
Thierry Poibeau thierry.poibeau@ens.fr [parislinguists] parislinguists at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Sat May 17 22:19:13 UTC 2014

Chères/Chers collègues, 

Je vous rappelle qu’Aline Villavicencio de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre) fera deux séminaires (en anglais) suivis de discussion mardi et mercredi au laboratoire Lattice, à Montrouge (et non rue Ulm). Ci-dessous un descriptif des séminaires. 

Pour venir au Lattice : http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr/Plan-d-acces?lang=fr
Les séminaires se dérouleront en salle 512. 


Thierry Poibeau


Lexical and topological analysis of language acquisition and dissolution 

Abstract: Psycholinguistic studies on language acquisition, organization and dissolution  have proposed several hypotheses to explain human processing of language, where factors such as  frequency, polysemy and conventionality seem to influence language use. Recent studies have also indicated the impact of gender and age, with differences in language use between boys and girls found in longitudinal data. In this talk I will describe lexical and topological analyses of some target groups, including children for language acquisition, and clinical groups for language dissolution investigations.

Mardi 20 mai
10h00 - 12h30, Laboratoire Lattice (salle 512, 1 rue Maurice Arnoux  92120 Montrouge)


* Title: Multiword expressions in language technology and language acquisition

Abstract: Conventional ways of transmitting efficiently and concisely complex ideas and concepts in natural language in a particular domain or community often adopt Multiword Expressions (MWE). For example, « an old wives' tale" as "an idea believed in the past but now known to be wrong ». MWEs are a heterogeneous set that includes various complex phenomena ranging from compound nouns and verb particle constructions to idioms, and have received considerable attention from researchers from a variety of disciplines, such as Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Natural Language Processing. Although their importance has long been recognised, their heterogeneous characteristics have proved a challenge to both linguistic and computational analysis. In this talk I examine some of these challenges and present an approach for their automatic identification. I then discuss some applications for their use in language technology and child language acquisition studies.

suivi de :

* Title: A language independent framework for Multiword Expressions Identification

Abstract: A Multiword Expression (MWE) is a sequences whose interpretation crosses the word boundaries (Sag et al., 2002) and include compound nouns (credit card, mountain bike), phrasal verbs (carry on, go by [a name]), compound terms (benign tumor, nuclear fusion), etc.  They are an integral part of language, and their importance has long been recognized. However, their heterogeneous characteristics have proved a challenge to both linguistic and computational analysis. In this paper we discuss some of these challenges along with a variety of approaches for semi-automatically finding and handling these expressions.

Mercredi 21 mai
10h00 - 12h30, Laboratoire Lattice (salle 512, 1 rue Maurice Arnoux  92120 Montrouge)
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