conf érences de Zoltan Kövecses

' Agnès Celle' [parislinguists] parislinguists-noreply at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Fri Sep 5 23:00:21 UTC 2014

Zoltan Kövecses, professeur à Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, sera 
l’invité de l’unité CLILLAC-ARP, Paris Diderot, en octobre 2014. Il 
donnera les trois conférences suivantes, qui sont ouvertes au public :

1)	Lundi 6 octobre 2014, 14-16h, Séminaire CLILLAC-ARP, Olympe de 
Gouges salle 209:
Recent developments in the cognitive linguistic study of emotion 
Based on my earlier work on the conceptualization of emotions, I wish 
to emphasize a number of points in this paper. First, I suggest that 
emotion concepts are largely metaphorical and metonymic in nature. 
Second, I propose that several of the conceptual metaphors and 
metonymies are tightly connected. Third, in line with a large body of 
recent result, I maintain that many of our emotion concepts have a 
bodily basis, i.e., that they are embodied. Fourth, I concur with many 
others that our emotion concepts can be seen to have a frame-like 
structure, i.e., that they can be represented as cognitive-cultural 
models in the mind. Fifth, and on the methodology side, I claim that 
the description and analysis of emotion concepts requires both a 
qualitative and a quantitative methodology. Though most of these 
suggestions have been accepted and embraced by a number of scholars 
working on the emotions, several other scholars have challenged the 
suggestions. As a response to such challenges, I have revised and 
modified the ideas above in the past 25 years. The present paper is 
concerned with these more recent developments.

2)	Vendredi 10 octobre 2014, colloque Describing and Expressing 
Surprise, conférence plénière, 9h30-10h20, Condorcet, amphithéâtre 
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
Surprise as a conceptual category
In this paper, I examine the concept of surprise from a cognitive 
linguistic perspective. As previous studies indicate, surprise is a 
not-quite-prototypical emotion category. My focus will be on the 
structure and content of surprise as an emotion category, as this can 
be revealed on the basis of the language we use to talk about it. As 
regards methodology, I will follow my earlier work (see, e.g., 
Kövecses, 1990 and 2000) to explore the language-based folk model of 
surprise in English. I will investigate the conceptual metaphors and 
metonymies associated with surprise and will propose a cognitive model 
for the emotion. It is hoped that this methodology enables us to see 
why surprise is not a prototypical emotion concept on a par with, for 
example, anger or fear.

3)	 Lundi 20 octobre 2014, 14-16h, Séminaire CLILLAC-ARP, Olympe de 
Gouges salle 209
Where do metaphors come from?
The issue of context has been, in the main, neglected in cognitive 
linguistic and much other work on how conceptual systems change and 
vary. In most recent work on conceptual systems, the issues of 
embodied cognition and the universal nature of cognitive operations 
have been emphasized. By contrast, my major goal in this paper is to 
attempt to characterize some of the contextual factors that are 
involved in shaping the conceptual system. My focus will be on 
metaphorical concepts, as well as on the interaction between 
metaphorical aspects of the conceptual system and contextual factors. 
I also suggest that the different conceptual factors do not 
mechanically and automatically lead to differences in the metaphorical 
conceptualization of a concept. Instead, they can affect 
non-metaphorical aspects of concepts. The implications of this view of 
metaphor for a theory of mind will also be discussed.

Note biographique:
Zoltán Kövecses is Professor of linguistics at Eötvös Loránd 
University, Budapest, where he is head of the Cultural Linguistics 
doctoral program. His research interests include metaphor, metonymy, 
emotion language, and the relationship between metaphoric 
conceptualization and context. His major publications include: 
Metaphor and Emotion (2000, Cambridge UP), Metaphor. A Practical 
Introduction (2002/2010, Oxford UP), Metaphor in Culture (2005, 
Cambridge UP), and Language, Mind, and Culture (2006, Oxford UP).

Professeur de linguistique anglaise
Directrice adjointe de l'EA 3967 CLILLAC-ARP

Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
UFR d'Etudes Anglophones
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
bureau 753
8 place Paul Ricoeur
au bout de la rue Albert-Einstein
75 013 Paris

tel: 01 57 27 58 67

Adresse postale:
8 place Paul Ricoeur, case 7046
75205 Paris Cedex 13

agnes.celle at

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