Cher(e)s collegues,<br><br>
Dans le cadre du volet DP du Projet "Architecture de la phrase"
(Programme 4) de la Federation TUL nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la
presentation de <br>
Dr. Orin Percus (Università
San Raffaele)<br>
<i> Uninterpretation<br>
</i>(le resume ci-dessous)<br><br>
DATE : lundi 18 avril 2005<br><br>
HEURE : 14:30 à 16:30<br><br>
LIEU : <x-tab> </x-tab>salle A24<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>10 rue Charles
<x-tab> </x-tab>75004
<x-tab> </x-tab>Sully
Morland, Bastille ou St. Paul.<br><br>
Veuillez nous excuser pour les envois multiples.<br><br>
Anne Zribi-Hertz et O<br><br>
Items that in principle are capable of being interpreted sometimes seem
to go uninterpreted. I will discuss a small variety of phenomena
whose treatment points to this conclusion: gender marking on nouns, the
form of pronouns bound by quantifiers, and the use of pronouns in de se
attitude reports. The different parts of the presentation
constitute different aspects of work in progress; in many respects I will
follow work by Heim, Kratzer and von Stechow.<br>
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