Cher(e)s collegues,<br><br>
Dans le cadre du volet DP du Projet "Architecture de la phrase"
(Programme 4) de la Federation TUL nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la
presentation d'<br>
Ora Matushansky
(CNRS/Universite Paris 8)<br>
<b>The Young
Frankenstein: On the use of definite articles in proper names<br>
</b>(le resume ci-dessous)<br><br>
DATE : lundi 6 juin 2005<br>
HEURE : 14:30 à 16:30 <br>
LIEU : salle A24 <br>
10 rue Charles V
75004 Paris <br>
METRO: Sully Morland, Bastille ou St. Paul. <br><br>
Anne Zribi-Hertz et O<br><br>
</b>In some languages and dialects, proper names in argument positions
must appear with a definite article (Pima, European Portuguese, some
Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian and German dialects, Maori, Catalan,
Tagalog, etc.). The standard approach to this fact (Longobardi (1994,
1999 et seq.)) has been to treat this so-called <i>preproprial definite
article </i>as expletive.<br><br>
I will present cross-linguistic evidence that proper names are
underlyingly predicates, as common nouns are, and that in argument
positions they are (definite) descriptions (cf. Frege (1983), Russell
(1911), Searle (1958), Kneale (1962), Barwise and Cooper (1981), Geurts
(1997), etc.). This means that the preproprial article cannot be viewed
as vacuous, and the question arises what is the licensing mechanism that
allows proper names in most European languages to appear without an
I will argue that the mechanism in question is morpho-syntactic and
involves the notion of m-merger (Matushansky (2005)). I will provide
evidence that both syntactic and morphological factors affect article
omission and show that the alternative existing theory of definite
article drop with proper names (N-to-D movement, by Longobardi (1994,
1999 et seq.)) cannot account for the relevant data. Finally, I will
address the use of article with lexical sub-classes of proper names (e.g.
rivers in English).<br>
Ora Matushansky<br><br>
CNRS - UMR 7023 (Paris 8)<br>
<a href="http://mapage.noos.fr/matushansky/" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>http://mapage.noos.fr/matushansky/</a><br><br>
</u></font><font face="verdana" size=2>Be patient and achieve all things.
Be impatient and achieve all things faster. <br>
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