Merci aux collègues ayant remarqué que le premier jour prévu à l'origine
était le jour de l'Ascension.<br>
Ce nouveau calendrier change le premier jour des conferences du Jeudi 25
Mai au Lundi 29 Mai<br><br>
Le département d''études cognitives de l'école normale supérieure a le
plaisir d'annoncer<br><br>
<div align="center"><b>Danny Fox<br>
Topics in the theory of Scalar Implicatures<br>
Ces conférences ouvertes à tous auront lieu à l'école normale supérieure
<dd>Lundi 29 Mai<x-tab> </x-tab> de
15h30 à 17h30<x-tab> </x-tab>Salle Lapie, 29
rue d'Ulm, 1er étage
droite<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<dd>Mercredi 31 mai de 12h30 à 14h30
<x-tab> </x-tab>Salle Weil, 45 rue d'Ulm
<dd>Jeudi 1er Juin de 12h à
14h<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Salle Weil, 45
rue d'Ulm
</dl>à , 45 rue d'Ulm, en <br><br>
In this series of lectures, we attempt to deal with four empirical
puzzles related to the theory of Scalar Implicatures:<br>
<li>Scalar Implicatures can be computed in embedded positions (Chierchia,
Cohen, Horn, Hurford, Recanati, passim)
<li>The ordering on alternatives relevant for the computation of Scalar
Implicatures is that of logical strength rather than pragmatic
informativity (Fox and Hackl, Magri)
<li>Disjunctive sentences receive a conjunctive interpretation when
embedded in certain existential contexts, a phenomena which should be
derived as a Scalar Implicature (Kratzer and Shimoyama), but is not
predicted within neo-Gricean systems.
<li> The cumulative interpretation of <i>3 boys ate 6 apples </i>has
the Scalar Implicature that it’s false that 4 boys ate 7 apples, a fact
not predicted within neo-Gricean systems (Landman, Krifka).
</ol> <br>
We will use these puzzles to motivate theories in which scalar
implicatures are derived within the linguistic system by virtue of a
covert operator with meaning akin to that of <i>only</i>. <br>
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