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<p>Dear all, <br>
A few days before X-mas, I posted a query on intra- and inter-sentential <br>
pronominal reference resolution. Despite the unfavourable moment, a number <br>
of researchers found the time to help me, for which I’m most grateful. I <br>
also apologise for not having yet answered to all individually due to lack <br>
of time (because of a project proposal). I’ll try to make up for it in the <br>
next days. <br>
So, many many thanks to: <br>
Werner Abraham (Universitaet Wien)<br>
Shanley Allen (Boston University)<br>
René Dirven<br>
Elaine Grolla (Universidade de São Paulo)<br>
David Ingram (Arizona State University)<br>
Annetthe Karmiloff-Smith (University College London)<br>
Mvogo Kuna (Université de Bourdeaux III)<br>
Ronald Langacker (University of California, San Diego)<br>
Márcio Leitão (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)<br>
Marcus Maia (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)<br>
Danielle Matthews (University of Manchester)<br>
Lise Menn (University of Colorado, Boulder)<br>
Sérgio Menuzzi (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul)<br>
Ellen Prince (University of Pennsylvania)<br>
Eduardo Raposo (University of California, Santa Barbara)<br>
Silvia Ramirez Gelbes (Universidad de Buenos Aires)<br>
Erik-Jan Smits (University of Groningen)<br>
Ron Smyth (University of Toronto)<br>
Hyun-joo Song (Yonsei University, Korea)<br>
André L. Souza (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)<br>
Heather van der Lely (University College London)<br>
Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin)<br>
Alexander Ziem (Universität Basel) <br>
In what follows, the recommended references are listed: <br>
Abraham, W. (2002). Pronomina im Diskurs: deutsche Personal- und <br>
Demonstrativpronomi<wbr>na unter 'Zentrierungsperspe<wbr>ktive'. Grammatische <br>
Überlegungen zu einer Teiltheorie der Textkohärenz. Sprachwissenschaft, <br>
27(4), pp. 447–491. <br>
Berman, S., & Hestvik, A. (1997). Principle B, DRT and plural pronouns. In <br>
H. Bennis, P. Pica, & J. Rooryck (Eds.), Atomism & Binding. Dordrecht: <br>
Foris. <br>
Chambers, C. G., & Smyth, R. (1998). Structural parallelism and discourse <br>
coherence: A test of Centering Theory. Journal of Memory and Language, <br>
39(4), pp. 593–608. <br>
Comrie, B. (1986). Reflections on subject and object control. Journal of <br>
Semantics, 4, pp. 47–65. <br>
Comrie, B. (1988). Coreference and conjunction reduction in grammar and <br>
discourse. In J. Hawkings (Ed.), Explaining language universals. Oxford: <br>
Blackwell. <br>
Comrie, B. (1997). Pragmatic binding: Demonstratives as anaphors in Dutch. <br>
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Vol. <br>
23 (pp. 50–61). <br>
Comrie, B. (1999). Reference-tracking: Description and explanation. <br>
Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschu<wbr>ng, 52, pp. 335–346. <br>
Cunha Lima, M. L. (2004). Indefinido, anáfora e construção textual das <br>
referência. Doctoral dissertation. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de <br>
Campinas. <br>
Cunha Lima, M. L. (2005). Indefinites, reference and text processing. Paper <br>
presented at the 9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva del Garda, <br>
July 10-15, 2005. <br>
Cunha Lima, M. L., & Françoso, E. (2004). Anaphora and indefinite noun <br>
phrases. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science <br>
Society, Chicago, August 5-7, 2004. <br>
Fox, B. A. (1986). Local patterns and general principles in cognitive <br>
processes: Anaphora in written and conversational English. Text, 6, pp. <br>
25–51. <br>
Gordon, P. C., Grosz, B. J., & Gilliom, L. A. (1993). Pronouns, names, and <br>
the Centering of attention in discourse. Cognitive Science, 17, pp. 311–347. <br>
Gordon, P., Hendrick, R., Ledoux, K., & Yang, C. Lung. (1999). Processing of <br>
reference and the structure of language: An analysis of complex noun <br>
phrases. Language and Cognitive Processes, 14(4), pp. 353–379. <br>
Grimshaw, J., & Rosen, S. T. (1990). Knowledge and obedience: The <br>
developmental status of the binding theory. Linguistic Inquiry, 21, pp. <br>
187–222. <br>
Grolla, E. (2004). The acquisition of (resumptive) pronouns: A processing <br>
account. Paper presented at The Romance Turn: Workshop on the Acquisition of <br>
Syntax of Romance Languages, Madrid, Sept 16-18, 2004. <br>
Grolla, E. (2005a). A unified account for two problems in the acquisition of <br>
pronouns. In J. Alderete, C.-h. Han, & A. Kochetov (Eds.), Proceedings of <br>
the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Vancouver, March <br>
18-20, 2005 (pp. 173–181). Somerville MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. <br>
Grolla, E. (2005b). Pronomes resumptivos em português adulto e infantil. <br>
DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada (online), <br>
21(2), <br>
Grolla, E. (2005c). Pronouns as elsewhere elements: Implications for <br>
language acquisition. Doctoral dissertation. University of Connecticut. <br>
Grolla, E. (in press). The acquisition of A- and A'-bound pronouns in <br>
Brazilian Portuguese. In V. Torrens, & L. Escobar (Eds.), The acquisition of <br>
syntax in Romance languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins. <br>
Grosz, B. J., Joshi, A. K., & Weinstein, S. (1995). Centering: A framework <br>
for modelling the local coherence of discourse. Computational Linguistics, <br>
21(2), pp. 203–225. <br>
Harris, C. L., & Bates, E. (2002). Clausal backgrounding and pronominal <br>
reference: A functionalist approach to C-command. Language and Cognitive <br>
Processes, 17, pp. 237–269. Retrieved 12-Dec-06, from <br>
<a href="http://www.bu.edu/psych/faculty/charris/papers/harris_cv.pdf.">http://www.bu.<wbr>edu/psych/<wbr>faculty/charris/<wbr>papers/harris_<wbr>cv.pdf.</a> <br>
Hendriks, P., & Spenader, J. (2005/2006). When production precedes <br>
comprehension: An optimization approach to the acquisition of pronouns. <br>
Language Acquisition, 13(4), pp. 319–348. Retrieved 21-Dec-06, from <br>
<a href="http://www.let.rug.nl/~hendriks/pronouns05.pdf.">http://www.let.<wbr>rug.nl/~hendriks<wbr>/pronouns05.<wbr>pdf.</a> <br>
Hudson-D'Zmura, S., & Tanenhaus, M. K. (1997). Antecedents and ambiguous <br>
pronouns. In M. Walker, A. Joshi, & E. Prince (Eds.), Centering theory in <br>
discourse. Oxford: Clarendon Press. <br>
Ingram, D., & Shaw, C. (1988). The comprehension of pronominal reference in <br>
children. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 33(395-407), <br>
Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1985). Language and cognitive processes from a <br>
developmental perspective. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1(1), pp. <br>
60–85. <br>
Kiparsky, P. (2002). Disjoint reference and the typology of pronouns. In I.<br>
Kaufmann, & B. Stiebels (Eds.), More than words (pp. 179–226). Berlin: <br>
Akademie-Verlag. <br>
Lasnik, H. (1976). Remarks on coreference. Linguistic Analysis, 2, pp. 1–22. <br>
Lasnik, H., & Crain, S. (1985). On the acquisition of pronominal reference. <br>
Lingua, 65, pp. 135–154. <br>
Leitão, M. (2005). O processamento do objeto direto anafórico no português <br>
brasileiro. Doctoral dissertation. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal do <br>
Rio de Janeiro. <br>
Li, N., & Zubin, D. A. (1987). Anaphor resolution in Mandarin. Paper <br>
presented at the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (Escol), 1986, <br>
Ohio State University. <br>
Lozano, C. (2006). Explaining the 'syntax-before-<wbr>discourse' phenomenon: <br>
Pronominal subject distribution in L1 Greek - L2 Spanish. Paper presented at <br>
The Romance Turn II, Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages, <br>
Utrecht, September 7-9, 2006. <br>
Maia, M. (1994). The comprehension of object anaphora in Brazilian <br>
Portuguese. Doctoral dissertation: USC. <br>
Maia, M. (1996). The comprehension of object anaphora in Brazilian <br>
Portuguese. In C. Parodi, A. C. Quicoli, M. Saltarelli, & M. L. Zubizarreta <br>
(Eds.), Aspects of Romance linguistics (pp. 293–311). Washington D.C.: <br>
Georgetown University Press. <br>
Maia, M. (1997a). A compreensão da anáfora objeto no português do Brasil. <br>
Revista Palavra, 4, pp. 58–76. <br>
Maia, M. (1997b). The processing of object anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese. <br>
Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 26, pp. 151–172, from not available <br>
on Maia's website. <br>
Matthews, D. (2005). Children's comprehension and production of anaphoric <br>
pronouns. Paper presented at the 10th International Congress of the <br>
International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Berlin, <br>
July 25-29, 2005. <br>
Matthews, D., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (submitted 2007). Pronoun <br>
co-referencing errors: Challenges for generativist and usage-based accounts. <br>
Matthews, D., Pyykkönen, P., & Järvikivi, J. (in prep.). Children's online <br>
comprehension of pronouns in spoken language: The role of verb semantics. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (1996a). 3rd person possessives in Brazilian Portuguese: On <br>
the syntax-discourse relation. Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and <br>
Anaphora Resolution Colloquium (DAARC 96) [Special issue of UCREL Technical <br>
Papers] (pp. 191–210). Lancaster: University Centre for Computing Corpus <br>
Research on Language (UCREL), Lancaster University. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (1996b). Constraint interaction in binding and the feature <br>
specification of anaphoric forms. In C. Cremers, & M. den Dikken (Eds.), <br>
Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996 (pp. 183–194). Amsterdam: Benjamins. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (1997). Topics in binding theory: Constraint interaction, <br>
chains, indexing and reflexivity, with particular reference to Brazilian <br>
Portuguese. Doctoral dissertation: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio <br>
Grande do Sul. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (1999a). Binding theory and pronominal anaphora in Brazilian <br>
Portuguese. Haia: Holland Academic Graphics. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (1999b). Project Proposal: "Aquisição da Anáfora Pronominal <br>
no Português do Brasil" [Pronominal Anaphora Acquisition in Brazilian <br>
Portuguese] [This project has never taken place]. Porto Alegre: Faculdade de <br>
Letras, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (2000). Antecedentes genéricos e a interpretação dos pronomes <br>
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Portuguese", de Ana Muller. Encontro Nacional da ANPOLL, June 4-7, 2000, GT <br>
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Menuzzi, S. M. (2003). Sobre as opções anafóricas para antecedentes <br>
genéricos e para variáveis ligadas. Letras de Hoje, 38(1), pp. 125–144. <br>
Menuzzi, S. M. (2005). Sobre o papel do léxico em sintaxe OT. Paper <br>
presented at the 53rd Seminário do GEL, UFSCar, São Carlos, SP, Brazil, July <br>
28-30, 2005. <br>
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Reinhart, T. (to appear). Processing or pragmatics? Explaining the <br>
coreference delay. In T. Gibson, & N. Pearlmutter (Eds.), The processing and <br>
acquisition of reference. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. <br>
Roberts, J. (1997). Switch-reference in Papua New Guinea: A preliminary <br>
survey. Papers in Papuan Linguistics, 3, pp. 101–241. <br>
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Schwarz-Friesel, M., Consten, M., & Knees, M. (Eds.). (to appear). Anaphors <br>
in texts. <br>
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Serratrice, L. (2004). Anaphoric interpretation of null and overt pronominal <br>
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Serratrice, L. (2005). The role of discourse pragmatics in the acquisition <br>
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Susanna Bartsch<br>
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