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<p>L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous convier à deux séances extraordinaires <br>
de son séminaire, le lundi 1er octobre, à l’adresse suivante <br>
(Attention, adresse inhabituelle) :<br>
CNRS UPS-Pouchet<br>
Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage<br>
59, rue Pouchet<br>
75017 Paris<br>
Tél. standard/accueil : 01 40 25 10 25.<br>
Métro : Guy Môquet ou Brochant.<br>
10h00-12h00 :<br>
Dan I. Slobin (University of California, Berkeley) : “Typology and <br>
Usage : Explorations of Motion Events across Languages”<br>
Motion event descriptions have been a fruitful arena for cognitive and <br>
functional linguistic approaches concerned with usage. Talmy’s <br>
typology of verb-framed and satellite-framed languages has accounted, <br>
to some extent, for patterns of expression of path and manner in both <br>
narrative and experimental data. At the same time, not all usage <br>
patterns—either within or across the two typological groups—can be <br>
accounted for on this dichotomy. The domain of intransitive, human <br>
motion will be explored on the basis of a systematic sampling of novels <br>
written in six languages: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, <br>
and Turkish. The critical interface between typology and usage lies in <br>
the means of expressing PATH. For one type of language (e.g., <br>
English), all paths can be expressed by a common construction type, in <br>
which path information is provided outside of the verb (“PIN” <br>
constructions: Path-in-Nonverb)<wbr>. For another type of language (e.g., <br>
French), users face a choice between two construction types: (1) the <br>
PIN type for paths that are not concerned with geometric features of <br>
the GROUND (Talmy’s “conformation”), and (2) another type for paths <br>
that do include such features. For the second construction type, the <br>
verb conflates both direction and characteristics of the ground (“PIV” <br>
constructions: Path-in-Verb)<wbr>. PIN and PIV construction types have <br>
different consequences for the encoding of both MANNER and PATH, <br>
probably differentially influencing speakers’ attention to dimensions <br>
of motion events. <br>
Many different sorts of factors influence usage, therefore cognitive <br>
linguistics cannot provide predictive models. The goal must be to <br>
formulate plausible explanations, considering linguistic, <br>
psycholinguistic, and sociocultural issues; and to seek additional <br>
factors when an established explanatory framework cannot be completely <br>
extended to another language or situation.<br>
12h00-14h00 : déjeuner. Possibilité de déjeuner sur place en prévenant <br>
à l’avance notre secrétaire Mme Marius (01 49 40 73 35, corinne.<br>
<a href="mailto:marius%40univ-paris8.fr">marius@univ-<wbr>paris8.fr</a>)<br>
14h00-16h00 :<br>
Nini Hoiting (Royal Effatha-Guyot Group, Haren, Netherlands) & Dan I. <br>
Slobin (University of California, Berkeley): “Learning to speak or to <br>
sign: Issues of modality and linguistic typology”.<br>
In signed languages, both linguistic signs and gestures are executed <br>
in the same modality. As a consequence, children acquiring a sign <br>
language may produce iconic gestures that are close to appropriate <br>
conventional signs in referential contexts. Nevertheless, the child <br>
must master the conventional forms of expression of the language, <br>
including both points and signs. Particular problems are posed by the <br>
management of gaze and by communicative requirements to distance signs <br>
and gestures from referents. Early sign language acquisition can be <br>
seen as a gradual movement from gestural indices and icons to <br>
linguistic forms. The predominant forms are polycomponential verbs, <br>
with schematic information about types of entities in combination with <br>
movements and locations of various sorts. As a consequence, a deaf <br>
child learning a natural sign language is learning a language that <br>
differs typologically from the spoken language of the community. Sign <br>
language acquisition has been studied in Europe, East Asia, and the <br>
Americas, where all of the dominant spoken languages are dependent-<br>
marking. Sign languages, by contrast, are head-marking, using spatio-<br>
temporal means to mark the argument roles of dependents. The modality <br>
of signed languages makes action and motion salient, drawing attention <br>
to verbs. Data on early vocabulary development in Sign Language of the <br>
Netherlands show relatively high proportions of predicates in <br>
comparison with spoken languages like English. Both the modality and <br>
typology of signed languages make it necessary to modify current <br>
theoretical accounts of the acquisition of such languages.<br>
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