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<p>Chers collègues,<br>
voici la deuxième circulaire du 5e Colloque de Linguistique <br>
contrastive (Leuven,juillet 2008).<br>
Veuillez noter que la date-limite de soumission est repoussée au *31 <br>
décembre 2007*.<br>
Bien à vous,<br>
Peter Lauwers<br>
The Fifth International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC5) <br>
will be held July 7 – 9 2008 at the University of Leuven (Belgium).<br>
The aim of ICLC 5 is to encourage the comparison between two (or <br>
more) languages from a theoretical linguistic perspective. Although <br>
contrastive linguistics has long been associated primarily with <br>
applied linguistics (in particular foreign language teaching), it is <br>
defined here as a subdiscipline of linguistics with major theoretical <br>
implications, which may contribute to our understanding of linguistic <br>
structures and functions.<br>
We invite papers or posters with a comparative approach to topics <br>
related to one of the following domains: discourse analysis and <br>
pragmatics, syntax and semantics, lexicon and morphology, phonetics <br>
and phonology. Empirically founded studies with theoretical <br>
implications will be especially welcomed.<br>
We are pleased to announce the following keynote speakers: <br>
Kasia Jaszczolt (Cambridge University) <br>
Meaning merger: An object of study for contrastive semantics and <br>
Ekkehard König (Freie Universität Berlin) <br>
Reviving Contrastive Linguistics: A Programmatic Sketch<br>
Peter Koch (Eberhard-Karls-<wbr>Universitä<wbr>t Tübingen) <br>
Lexical typology and contrastive linguistics<br>
Antoinette Renouf (University of Birmingham) <br>
A comparison of idiom construction in English and French mainstream <br>
Anne Zribi-Hertz (Université de Paris 8) <br>
Plural as a non category: some teachings from language comparison<br>
Paper presentations will be 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for <br>
discussion. To facilitate communication among participants, papers <br>
should preferably be presented in English. However, if necessary, <br>
presentations in Dutch, French, Spanish, German or Italian are also <br>
Participants can only present one paper. Exceptionally, two papers <br>
may be presented by the same participant, provided that both are co-<br>
authored. There is a maximum of three named authors/participant<wbr>s per <br>
Acceptance is based on anonymous review of submitted abstracts. The <br>
abstract should specify the subject addressed as well as the main <br>
conclusions. It should also outline the empirical data on which the <br>
analysis is based, and cite the main references to previous work on <br>
the subject. <br>
Abstracts should comply with the formatting of the MS Word template <br>
available here and sent by e-mail to <a href="mailto:ICLC5%40arts.kuleuven.be">ICLC5@arts.kuleuven<wbr>.be</a> before <br>
DECEMBER 31 2007 (*extended deadline*). Please use "ICLC5 abstract" <br>
as subject header of your e-mail and name the <br>
attachment: "ICLC5_your_<wbr>full_name.<wbr>doc".<br>
The registration fee is 150 Euros. The registration form will be <br>
available on the conference website as of early January 2008. <br>
Payments can be made by bank transfer or creditcard (VISA or <br>
The registration fee includes three lunches, coffee breaks, the book <br>
of abstracts and the social programme, which consists of a guided <br>
tour of the mediaeval city of Leuven (Sunday evening, 6 July) and a <br>
reception with drinks and refreshments (Monday, 7 July). The <br>
conference dinner is offered at an additional price of 40 euros, and <br>
takes place on Tuesday evening (8 July) in the historical <br>
surroundings of the Beguinage, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. <br>
A list of hotels and hostels can be found on the conference website. <br>
Early booking is recommended, since many conferences are held in <br>
Leuven at this time of year.<br>
The Scientific Committee will select papers of outstanding scientific <br>
quality for publication in a blind refereeing process.<br>
• Abstract Deadline: DECEMBER 31, 2007 <br>
• Notification of Acceptance: February 29, 2008 <br>
• Registration Deadline: May 31, 2008 <br>
url: <a href="http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/ICLC5">http://www.arts.<wbr>kuleuven.<wbr>be/ICLC5</a><br>
postal address:<br>
ICLC5 <br>
Linguistics Department<br>
Faculteit Letteren<br>
Blijde Inkomststraat 21 PO Box 3308<br>
B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)<br>
telephone number: +3216325032 or +3216325030<br>
fax number: +3216324767<br>
email: <a href="mailto:ICLC5%40arts.kuleuven.be">ICLC5@arts.kuleuven<wbr>.be</a><br>
<span width="1" style="color: white;">__._,_.___</span>
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