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<p>[même annonce que précédemment, mais avec les résumés des DEUX conférences et <br>
un changement de premier auteur pour la première conférence]<br>
L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous convier, dans le cadre des séances de son <br>
le lundi 16 juin 2008<br>
14h30-17h30 [attention : horaires spéciaux]<br>
au Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage de l'UMR 7023 sur le site : <br>
CNRS/UPS-Pouchet 59, rue Pouchet 75017 Paris, France<br>
- salle de conférence (RDC) [attention : lieu inhabituel ]<br>
Metro : Guy Môquet (ligne 13), Sortie : "Rue de la Jonquière". Plan sur le<br>
site : <<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/article.php3?id_article=86">http://www.umr7023.<wbr>cnrs.fr/article.<wbr>php3?id_article=<wbr>86</a>><br>
aux conférences suivantes :<br>
- 14h30-16h <br>
Trevor Johnston (Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, <br>
Australia) & Adam Schembri (Deafness, Cognition and Language research centre, <br>
UCL, London, UK) :<br>
"Lexicalisation and lemmatization in the annotation of signed language <br>
Résumé :<br>
In this paper we discuss on-going work on the creation of corpora for signed <br>
language (SL) research, especially the Auslan (Australian Sign Language) <br>
corpus. In particular, we address the issue of machine-readability and the <br>
use of lemmatised glosses (or ID-glosses). Plans for the creation of new SL <br>
corpora in Europe and North America will be seriously flawed if they do not <br>
take into account the issue of lemmatisation.<br>
SL corpora are needed to empirically ground generalisations on signed language <br>
vocabularies and grammars, and to facilitate peer review of these <br>
descriptions and the theories which draw on them. Of course, corpora are <br>
important for the testing of language hypotheses in all language research. <br>
However, this is especially true of deaf signing communities which (like <br>
creole spoken languages) are inevitably young minority language communities. <br>
Although introspection and observation can help develop hypotheses, because <br>
SLs lack written forms or standardised varieties, and have interrupted <br>
transmission and few native users, intuitions and researcher observations may <br>
fail due to the absence of clear native signer consensus. The past reliance <br>
on the intuitions of very few informants and isolated textual examples <br>
(essentially inaccessible for peer review) has been problematic in the field. <br>
It should also go without saying that SL corpora—as with all modern <br>
linguistic corpora—should be representative, well-documented (i.e., with <br>
relevant metadata) and machine-readable (i.e., able to be annotated and <br>
tagged consistently and systematically)<wbr>. This requires dedicated technology <br>
(e.g., ELAN), standards and protocols (e.g., IMDI metadata descriptors)<wbr>, and <br>
transparent and agreed grammatical tags (e.g., grammatical class labels). <br>
However, we argue that it also requires the identification of lemmata. <br>
Lemmatisation—the classification or identification of related forms under a <br>
single label or lemma (the equivalent of headwords or headsigns in a <br>
dictionary)—is fundamental to the process of corpus creation. A successful <br>
corpus project team should already have available a reference dictionary or <br>
lexical database to facilitate lemma identification and consistency in <br>
lemmatisation (using ID-glosses). A robust understanding of the processes of <br>
lexicalisation in SLs is thus essential, and, reflecting this, annotation <br>
conventions that discriminate between, and treat consistently, different <br>
types of signs found within any SL text need to be articulated and adhered <br>
- 16h-17h30<br>
Robert E. Johnson (Department of Linguistics, Gallaudet University, Washington <br>
DC) :<br>
"Rethinking Double Articulation in Signed Languages: Implications for the <br>
Design of Phonetic Notation Systems"<br>
Résumé :<br>
In the 1950’s William Stokoe introduced the idea that signs contain a<br>
sublexical structure, consisting of cheremes that function in much the same<br>
way that phonemes function in spoken languages. The cheremic principle<br>
argues that a set of several oppositional parameters of sign formation<br>
combine simultaneously to create the meaningful units of the language<br>
without the use of sequential contrast. The purported absence of sequence<br>
does not interfere with the claim that ASL has a form of double<br>
articulation, demonstrated by the existence of minimal pairs of signs. This<br>
view remains the prominent and most-stated perspective on the structure of<br>
ASL and other signed languages. Beginning with the notion of double<br>
articulation of spoken languages, I will demonstrate that claims of<br>
“duality” for signed languages typically misrepresent the fundamental<br>
concepts of opposition, contrast, and phoneme. Drawing on these<br>
observations, I will show that dual patterning does in fact exist in sign<br>
languages, but that its notice requires an approach to phonetic<br>
representation that recognizes sequences of all formational properties of<br>
signs. I will show the elements of a system of phonetic representation,<br>
addressing issues of abstractness of representation in phonetics that grow<br>
from the need to represent sequence.<br>
<span width="1" style="color: white;">__._,_.___</span>
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