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<p>Doctoral school 268 "Langage et Langues"<br>
Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs - Paris III<br>
May 29-30, 2009<br>
Created in 1998, the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC) of the<br>
Doctoral School "Langue and languages" (ED 268, Université de la<br>
Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III) is an opportunity for junior<br>
researchers preparing for a Master's degree or a Doctorate, but also<br>
for post-doctorates, to present their work in paper or poster sessions.<br>
This year, the theme will be:<br>
In linguistics (and in many other fields of study such as sociology<br>
and anthropology)<wbr>, the context is, a fundamental concept but what it<br>
means varies according to the discipline and the theoretical and<br>
methodological orientations of the researcher. RJC is an invitation<br>
for junior researchers to ponder upon the plurality of the values of<br>
context and their applications in the language sciences.<br>
Presentations may follow four main lines of reflection:<br>
1. The first line will let you review the way research in language<br>
sciences develops the notions of "cotext", "context" and "situation".<br>
You are invited to suggest or clarify a definition, to study the three<br>
notions by confronting one of them with the others, or to offer a<br>
critical view on the past and present scientific work (in particular<br>
on some set definitions)<wbr>.<br>
2. The second line will be dedicated to the study of cotext, defined<br>
here as all the linguistic units (phonemes, lexemes, morphemes, text,<br>
etc.) adjacent to the studied linguistic unit. Any study, model or<br>
formalization treating cotext in phonology, in morphology, in syntax,<br>
in semantics may be the object of a study.<br>
3. In a pragmatic, enunciative and interactional perspective,<br>
presentations may deal with the notion of situation as the frame of a<br>
statement, a dialogue, a speech, etc. – be it written or oral.<br>
Hypotheses may be formulated on the importance of the situational or<br>
extra-linguistic context, on its motives and effects (circumstances of<br>
a speech act, identity of the participants, the speaker's intentions,<br>
etc.). This third line also includes all the studies that delineate<br>
the relevant clues used to understand or interpret a speech in situation.<br>
4. Finally, the fourth line will concern papers devoted to the<br>
development of the notion of context in a spatial and socio-cultural<br>
approach. The way the regional or national context (i.e. in<br>
geo-linguistics, dialectology, etc.) may be studied as well as the<br>
ideological, political and social contexts influencing linguistic<br>
Invited speakers<br>
• Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni<br>
• Georges Kleiber<br>
• January 05, 2009: Deadline for the submission of abstracts for oral<br>
presentations (1,000 words) and of posters (500 words).<br>
• Beginning of March, 2009: Answer from the Organization Committee<br>
after examination by the Selected Scientific Committee. • <br>
• May 29 and 30, 2009: RJC ED 268. <br>
Proposals for oral presentations should be typed in Times New Roman<br>
12, simple spacing, in the form of a summary of 1,000 words at most<br>
(including references) and the proposals for posters in the form of a<br>
summary of 500 words at most ( including references). In the case of<br>
phonetic transcriptions, please use the SILDoulos font, downloadable<br>
on <a href="http://www.sil.org/computing/catalog/show_software.asp?Id=91.">http://www.sil.<wbr>org/computing/<wbr>catalog/show_<wbr>software.<wbr>asp?Id=91.</a><br>
Propositions are to be sent to the Organization Committee by e-mail<br>
(<a href="mailto:rjc.paris3%40gmail.com">rjc.paris3@gmail.<wbr>com</a>), in the .rtf format. They should be sent twice:<br>
the first one will be named "anon_NAME_rjc2009.<wbr>rtf" (for example<br>
"anon_SMITH_<wbr>rjc2009.rtf"<wbr>) and will contain:<br>
Title <br>
Fiel(s) ofresearch<br>
Line in which the paper or poster proposal applies<br>
5 keywords <br>
A summary <br>
The second named "NAME_rjc2009.<wbr>rtf" (for example<br>
"JOHNSON_rjc2009.<wbr>rtf") will contain the following information, besides<br>
the previous ones: <br>
Personal data (last name, first name, e-mail and personal postal address)<br>
Level of studies (clarify the number of years for the doctorate) <br>
Research supervizor(s)<br>
Only one submission will be examined for each participant<br>
The languages of oral presentations and posters will be English or<br>
French. The duration of oral presentations will 20 minutes + 10<br>
minutes for questions. Before the display of posters, each author will<br>
be invited to present their work in a short oral presentation (5 min.). <br>
Web site<br>
<a href="http://rjc-ed268.ifrance.com/">http://rjc-ed268.<wbr>ifrance.com/</a> <br>
Selected Scientific committee<br>
Jean-Claude Beacco, Michel Charolles, Sophie Moirand, Christian Puech,<br>
Georges Rebuschi, Annie Rialland, Anne Salazar Orvig, Jacqueline<br>
Organization committee<br>
Aron Arnold, Cédric Becquey, Christine Da Silva, Pascale Brunner,<br>
Yekaterina García Márkina, Aïda Graya, Julien Heurdier, Clara<br>
Legendre, Catherine Muller, Elodie Oursel, Nikola Paillereau Maurova,<br>
Brice Vincent, Lucille Wallet<br>
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