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<p>new book information <br>
Linguistics <br>
<Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms. From language to metrics and beyond><br>
Edited by Jean-Louis Aroui ( Université Paris 8) and Andy Arleo (Université de <br>
Metrics is often defined as a discipline that concerns itself with the study <br>
of meters. In this volume the term is used in a broader sense that more or <br>
less coincides with the traditional notion of “versification”. Understood <br>
this way, metrics is an eminently complex object that displays variation over <br>
time and in space, that concerns forms of a great variety and with different <br>
statuses (meters, rhymes, stanzas, prescribed forms, syllabification rules, <br>
nursery rhymes, slogans, musical textsetting, ablaut reduplication etc.), and <br>
that as a cultural manifestation is performed in a variety of ways (sung, <br>
chanted, spoken, read) that can have direct consequences on how it is <br>
structured. This profusion of forms is thought to correspond, at the level of <br>
perception, to a limited number of cognitive mechanisms that allow us to <br>
perceive and to represent regularly iterating forms. This volume proposes a <br>
relatively coherent overall vision by distinguishing four main families of <br>
metrical forms, each clearly independent of the others and amenable to <br>
separate typologies. <br>
[Language Faculty and Beyond, 2] 2009. xiv, 428 pp. <br>
HB 978 90 272 0819 4 EUR 105.00 <br>
“There are very few books of high quality in the field of metrical study, and <br>
even fewer which bring together leading experts focusing on specific problems <br>
of verse- form; this wide-ranging volume is therefore to be warmly welcomed.” <br>
Derek Attridge, University of York <br>
Table of contents <br>
Introduction: Proposals for metrical typology <br>
Jean-Louis Aroui<br>
Part I. Isochronous metrics <br>
Textsetting as constraint conflict <br>
Bruce Hayes <br>
Comparing musical textsetting in French and in English songs <br>
Francois Dell and John Halle <br>
Bavarian Zwiefache: Investigating the interface between rhythm, metrics and <br>
song <br>
Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna and Robert Vetterle <br>
Natural Versification in French and German counting-out rhymes <br>
Andreas Dufter and Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna <br>
Minimal chronometric forms: On the durational metrics of 2-2-stroke groups<br>
Benoît de Cornulier<br>
Symmetry and children’s poetry in sign languages<br>
Marion Blondel and Christopher Miller<br>
Part II. Prosodic metrics <br>
Pairs and triplets: A theory of metrical verse<br>
Nigel Fabb and Morris Halle<br>
Generative linguistics and Arabic metrics<br>
Bruno Paoli<br>
On the meter of Middle English alliterative verse <br>
Donka Minkova<br>
The Russian Auden and the Russianness of Auden: Meaning and form in a <br>
translation by Brodsky<br>
Nila Friedberg<br>
Towards a universal definition of the caesura <br>
Marc Dominicy and Mihai Nasta<br>
Metrical alignment <br>
Kristin Hanson <br>
Rephrasing line-end restrictions <br>
Carlos Piera <br>
Part III. Para-metrical phenomena <br>
Pif paf poof: Ablaut reduplication in children’s counting-out rhymes <br>
Andy Arleo<br>
The phonology of elision and metrical figures in Italian versification<br>
Oreste Floquet <br>
Part IV. Macrostructural metrics <br>
Convention and parody in the rhyming of Tristan Corbière <br>
Dominique Billy <br>
The metrics of Sephardic song <br>
José Domínguez Caparrós <br>
A rule of metrical uniformity in old Hungarian poetry <br>
Iván Horváth <br>
Metrical structure of the European sonnet <br>
Jean-Louis Aroui <br>
Persons index <br>
Languages index <br>
Subjects index <br>
-- <br>
Jean-Louis AROUI<br>
Université Paris 8<br>
UFR des Sciences du Langage<br>
2, rue de la liberté<br>
93200 Saint-Denis<br>
<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique77">http://www.umr7023.<wbr>cnrs.fr/spip.<wbr>php?rubrique77</a><br>
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