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<p>Journées d’étude Langues avec et sans articles 2011<br>
Workshop on languages with and without articles 2011<br>
les jeudi 3 et vendredi 4 mars 2011<br>
Thur 3rd and Fri 4th March 2011<br>
Salle de conférences, 59 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris.<br>
Organisées par le projet Calcul de la référence nominale : langues avec et<br>
sans articles<br>
<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Langues-avec-articles-langues-sans,53-.html">http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Langues-avec-articles-langues-sans,53-.html</a><br>
Le programme sera mis à jour sous :<br>
<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/Programme-Journee-LSALAA-2011.html">http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/Programme-Journee-LSALAA-2011.html</a><br>
Les journées sont ouvertes au public.<br>
The workshop is open to the public.<br>
Programme Jeudi 3 mars / Thur 3rd March 2011<br>
9h30 - 10h Opening<br>
10h00-10h40 Zeljko Boskovic (Connecticut)<br>
More on the DP/NP analysis of languages with and without articles<br>
10h40-11h20 Durdica Zeljka Caruso (Stuttgart)<br>
In support of a DP-Analysis of Nominal Phrases in Croatian<br>
11h20-12h00 Katarzyna Miechowicz-Mathiasen (School of English, Adam<br>
Mickiewicz University)<br>
On the distribution and D-like properties of the Polish adjective ’sam’<br>
12h00-14h00 Déjeuner/Lunch<br>
14h00-14h40 Edit Doron (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) & Ana Müller<br>
(University of São Paulo)<br>
The cognitive basis of the mass-count distinction : evidence from bare nouns<br>
14h40-15h20 Asya Pereltsvaig (Stanford University)<br>
On number and number-neutrality in languages with and without articles<br>
15h20-16h00 Doris Gerland (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)<br>
>From possessive suffixes to definite articles<br>
16h00-16h30 Pause café<br>
16h30-17h10 Yu Izumi (Maryland, College Park)<br>
Interpreting Bare Nouns : Type-Shifting vs. Silent Heads’<br>
17h10-17h50 Orin Percus (Nantes / LLING EA3827)<br>
Pieces of predicate transfer<br>
Vendredi 4 mars / Friday 4th March 2011<br>
9h30-10h30 Conférence invitée/ invited speaker<br>
Tania Ionin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)<br>
Generic and kind interpretations of nominal expressions with and without<br>
articles : experimental evidence from native and non-native speakers<br>
10h30-11h00 Pause<br>
11h00-11h40 Yoichi Miyamoto (Osaka University) & Kazumi Yamada (Kwansei<br>
Gakuin University)<br>
Fluctuation in the Grammar of Japanese Child EFL Learners<br>
11h40-12h20 Makoto Kaneko (Okayama)<br>
Why do L1 Japanese L2 English learners misuse THE when uniqueness or<br>
maximality is not presupposed ? — a possibility of L1 transfer<br>
12h20-14h15 Déjeuner/Lunch<br>
14h15-14h55 Helen Koulidobrova (Connecticut)<br>
The driving force of "the" : Emergence of a parameterized DP ?<br>
14h55-15h35 Melanie Jouitteau (CNRS UMR 7110 - Paris 7)<br>
Problems for the Breton article system,<br>
15h35-16h15 Justin Nuger (Maryland)<br>
Definite and Indefinite DPs in a Language with Only One Determiner<br>
16h15-16h30 Pause café<br>
16h30-17h10 Marika Lekakou (Meertens Institute/University of Ioannina) &<br>
Kriszta Szendroi (UCL)<br>
When determiners abound : implications for the encoding of definiteness<br>
17h10-17h50 Gianina Iordachioaia (Stuttgart) & Elena Soare (Paris 8 UMR 7023)<br>
Sum and group formation in the event domain : when D selects Asp<br>
En réserve/ Alternate papers<br>
Sascha Alexeyenko (University of Osnabrück) & Olga Kagan (Ben Gurion<br>
University of the Negev) NPs in Russian : The Case of Predicative Long<br>
Form Adjectives<br>
Maria Teresa Espinal (UA Barcelona) Bare nominals, true and fake vocatives<br>
Xuping Li (Bar Ilan University, Israel, & EHESS, Paris) Definite uses of<br>
classifiers and the DP Projection in Wu Chinese<br>
Albert Ortmann (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) On explaining<br>
definite article splits by semantic vs. pragmatic uniqueness<br>
Gerhard Schaden (LIlle 3 - UMR STL) Counting, Indefinite Articles, and the<br>
Mass-Count Distinction<br>
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