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<p>L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous convier, dans le cadre des séances de son<br>
séminaire (<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Seminaire-de-l-UMR-7023,50-.html">http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Seminaire-de-l-UMR-7023,50-.html</a>),<br>
le lundi 2 mai 2011<br>
C.N.R.S., 59 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris (métros : Guy Moquet ou Brochant,<br>
ligne 13), salle de conférences (rez-de-chaussée)<br>
à une conférence de Maria LIM FALK (Université de Stockholm)<br>
« Content and Language Integrated Learning – consequences of using another<br>
language for teaching than the pupils’ L1 »<br>
Résumé :<br>
Increased internationalization and globalization give impetus to the<br>
learning of foreign languages and the need for multilingual communicative<br>
proficiency. The expressed goal of the European Commission is that all EU<br>
citizens should become proficient in two European languages, beside their<br>
native language. This brings the question of language learning strategies<br>
and teaching methods to the fore, not least since current foreign language<br>
learning in school settings is pointed out as unsatisfactory. Therefore,<br>
the Council of the European Union encourages innovative methods, for<br>
example within different kinds of bilingual education, indeed Content and<br>
Language Integrated Learning, CLIL.<br>
In this talk, I will discuss the results from a completed research<br>
project on CLIL practice and communicative competence, with the aim of<br>
opening up a discussion on language acquisition and teaching practices.<br>
The Canadian immersions are often mentioned as the main source of<br>
inspiration of CLIL, which offers more contact with the target language<br>
by using it for teaching subjects like history, chemistry and physics.<br>
The perspective taken is that language learning is a natural part of the<br>
teaching of subject matter, rather than an add-on. CLIL classrooms are<br>
seen as a kind of language bath, where the learners are surrounded by a<br>
foreign-language bathwater, which somehow is assumed to enhance the<br>
individual outcomes of the foreign language learning. This a rather vague<br>
language learning strategy, and it implicates a limited and passive<br>
notion of the language learning process, i.e. the psycholinguistically<br>
oriented, input-based theories of L2 learning. Theoretically, it does not<br>
really concur with the explicit goal aiming at ‘communicative<br>
competence’, and it is opposed to prevalent sociocultural based theories<br>
of learning and language acquisition, where the hub of ‘communicative<br>
competence’ is the interplay between input, output and context.<br>
Attitudes towards CLIL vary from strong and widespread enthusiasm, to<br>
fears for lowered subject learning and inhibited development in the<br>
native languages (L1). Some ask whether it is really worth the effort.<br>
Concerning research on CLIL education in Europe, there is as yet<br>
insufficient empirical evidence on the efficacy of CLIL and how (or<br>
indeed if) it works in practice. Despite this, CLIL has become widely<br>
established around Europe; it is established in 24 of 33 European<br>
countries, among those Sweden and France.<br>
My research on CLIL provides some insight into this type of education in<br>
its practice in Sweden. I studied classroom practice, student texts, and<br>
teacher and student experiences of instruction in a CLIL class, as well<br>
as in a control class during their three years at secondary school. Thus,<br>
my research gives examples of CLIL education in classroom interaction, as<br>
well as pupils’ linguistic and communicative competence in different<br>
writing settings. The studies are linked to activity analysis (Levinson<br>
1979, Linell 1998), systemic-functional linguistics (Halliday & Hasan<br>
1989, Halliday 1994, Halliday & Matthiessen 2004) and ethnography of<br>
communication/interactional sociolinguistics (Hymes 1962, 1972, Gumperz<br>
1976, 1982, Saville-Troike 1979), i.e. research areas that emphasize the<br>
interplay between language, communication and social situation. I will<br>
give examples from the analysis of classroom interaction and text<br>
analysis which highlight e.g. communicative competence with respect to<br>
variables as language alternation, code-switching, and use of<br>
subject-related language.<br>
-- <br>
Jean-Louis AROUI<br>
Université Paris 8<br>
UFR des Sciences du Langage<br>
2, rue de la liberté<br>
93200 Saint-Denis<br>
<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Aroui-Jean-Louis-.html">http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Aroui-Jean-Louis-.html</a><br>
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