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<p>Dear Sir/Madam,<br>
This is to inform you about the First International Workshop on Phonology,<br>
Metrics and Acquisition, which will be taking place in Paris on 27th and<br>
28th June, hosted by the UMR 7023 (Paris 8/CNRS).<br>
May we ask you to relay the information attached herewith?<br>
Yours sincerely,<br>
The Organising Committee<br>
PARIS, 27-28 JUNE 2011<br>
Université Paris 8 & Unité Mixte de Recherche 7023<br>
Structures Formelles du Langage (CNRS)<br>
CNRS Pouchet<br>
Salle de Conférences, 59/61 rue Pouchet, 75849 Paris cedex 17<br>
Le but de ces deux journées d'étude est de réunir des chercheurs autour de<br>
questions de phonologie, d'acquisition et de métrique, et des liens<br>
possibles entre ces disciplines. Seront discutés entre autres des<br>
problèmes de phonologie, de métrique et d'acquisition du langage, ainsi<br>
que l'interface entre phonologie prosodique, métrique et musique.<br>
The two-fold workshop aims at bringing together specialists, researchers and<br>
graduate students generally interested in Phonology and Metrics, as well<br>
as the possible connections between those two disciplines. A broad range<br>
of topics will discussed, including issues in phonological and metrical<br>
theory, aspects of phonological acquisition, the interface between<br>
prosodic phonology, metrics and music, and the description of sung and<br>
chanted verse.<br>
Metrics and Aquisition: Must We End up with Binary Feet in French?<br>
In the literature on phonological acquisition, French is frequently<br>
described as an "iambic language" whose metrical structure determines<br>
children's production (Rose 2000; Dos Santos 2007; Demuth 2001). Works in<br>
metrics present French verse as syllabic or as segmented into sequences of<br>
week and strong positions (see Verluyten 1989). Finally, Selkirk (1978)<br>
and others following her analysis (see Tranel 1987), have proposed a<br>
trochaic foot in French to account for the schwa/0 alternation.<br>
This workshop aims to revisit these arguments in light of French data in<br>
metrics and acquisition to examine the empirical and theoretical need to<br>
assume a binary foot in French, and whether the parameterization of such a<br>
binary foot (iambic / trochaic) is in fact necessary.<br>
Prof. Heather Goad (McGill University): Puzzling input and the role of<br>
markedness: The acquisition of Québec French stress.<br>
Prof. Yvan Rose(Memorial University of Newfoundland): Syllable prominence<br>
and prosodic structure: Typological, acoustic and developmental evidence.<br>
Prof. Sophie Wauquier (Université Paris 8, UMR 7023): First units in the<br>
acquisition of French: do we need a foot?<br>
Prof. Tobias Scheer (Université de Nice, CNRS 6039): Portrait of a<br>
phonological cripple: what schwa can(not) do to preceding vowels in<br>
French and elsewhere.<br>
Prof. Chris Golston (California State University Fresno): English feet<br>
since 1400.<br>
Roundtable discussion, chaired by Dr. Jean-Louis Aroui (Université Paris<br>
8, UMR 7023): Are there or are there not binary feet in French metrics?<br>
General Metrics: Music and Prosody<br>
This workshop brings together researchers who work in the area of general<br>
metrics,with a specific interest in the structural organisation of sung as<br>
well as spoken poetry,and the division of labour between the levels of<br>
structure assumed.<br>
Traditional and generative metrics have commonly assumed that the metrical<br>
pattern is an external structural object, often called the metrical<br>
template. The template expresses the central properties of the meter, and<br>
is combined with the text by a constrained matching of linguistic<br>
properties to the positions of the metrical template.<br>
The status of this template has recently been challenged from two rather<br>
different directions. Work within generative metrics has looked for ways<br>
of arriving at a metrical characterization without appealing to a<br>
predefined metrical template. For instance, Fabb & Halle (2008) propose<br>
that meter is a specific parse of the text, where syllables are grouped<br>
and a grid constructed. Golston & Riad (ms) propose that meter is to be<br>
derived from the grammar of the language, much as prosodic regularity is<br>
employed in morphology. Text-setting in songs offers a different challenge<br>
to the<br>
status of the metricaltemplate. Text that occurs in songs often looks like<br>
verse when the music is removed. The question here is to what extent a<br>
metrical structure is present, or needed, beside the rhythm provided by<br>
the music, in songs. In work by Hayes & Kaun (1996) and Hayes & McEachern<br>
(1998) the assumption is that text is set directly to musical rhythm in<br>
English folk songs, an analysis that is contested in Kiparsky (2006). In a<br>
study on Berber song, Dell & Elmedlaoui (2008) assert that a metrical<br>
template is needed beside that of the music. The two challenges to<br>
metrical templates are rather different in nature. In the first case, the<br>
issue is really to determine the division of labour between language and<br>
culture. In the second case, the issue is about the division of labour<br>
between music and meter (whatever the ontological status of the latter).<br>
Prof. Benoît de Cornulier (Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes): On the<br>
divisibility of simple meter.<br>
Dr. Rosalia Rodriguez-Vazquez (Universidade de Vigo & UMR 7023): The<br>
metrics of English songs: Towards a nonmodular view of text-setting.<br>
Dr. Francois Dell (EHESS-CNRS) & Dr. Teresa Proto (Université Paris 8,<br>
7023): Discrepancies between linguistic stress and musical rhythm in<br>
Italian songs: a first exploration.<br>
Prof. Tomas Riad (Stockholms Universitet & Université Paris 8): The<br>
prosodic metrics of Tashlhiyt Berber songs.<br>
Prof. Nigel Fabb (Univesity of Strathclyde): The line as a relevant<br>
metrical unit.<br>
Prof. Chris Golston (California State University Fresno): Reconstructing a<br>
meter for Proto-Indo-European.<br>
-- <br>
Jean-Louis AROUI<br>
Université Paris 8<br>
UFR des Sciences du Langage<br>
2, rue de la liberté<br>
93200 Saint-Denis<br>
<a href="http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Aroui-Jean-Louis-.html">http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/-Aroui-Jean-Louis-.html</a><br>
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