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<p>Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of (Non-)Restrictivity<br>
Date: 19-Mar-2012 - 20-Mar-2012<br>
Location: Stuttgart, Germany<br>
Meeting Email: <a href="mailto:restrictivity%40ims.uni-stuttgart.de">restrictivity@ims.uni-stuttgart.de</a><br>
Web Site: <a href="http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~arndt/restrictivity.html">http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~arndt/restrictivity.html</a><br>
Call Deadline: 06-Jan-2012<br>
Meeting Description:<br>
Workshop on the Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of (Non-)Restrictivity<br>
Invited Speakers:<br>
Artemis Alexiadou (Universität Stuttgart)<br>
Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen (Universitetet i Oslo)<br>
Jutta Hartmann (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen)<br>
Magdalena Kaufmann (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)<br>
Christopher Piñon (Université de Lille 3)<br>
Carla Umbach (Universität Osnabrück)<br>
Workshop Description:<br>
Restrictivity - and its counterpart non-restrictivity - understood as<br>
properties of natural language modifiers such as relative clauses,<br>
adjectives, adverbials, PP- or nominal adjuncts, are fundamental<br>
concepts in linguistic theory.<br>
The question whether the modifier of a head is restrictive or not<br>
depends on and has an influence on various linguistic levels. It is<br>
reflected in syntax (pre- vs. postnominal modifier, attachment) and<br>
prosody (accent placement, prosodic phrasing), and it is constrained<br>
by semantic and pragmatic factors (concept type, information status,<br>
information structure, entailment properties, projective meaning).<br>
Despite the omnipresence of modification in natural discourse and<br>
various attempts at defining (non-)restrictivity, there is still no<br>
consensual definition which unites all structural and meaning-related<br>
aspects, and which is robust enough to be used, for instance, in<br>
corpus annotation.<br>
Specific Questions:<br>
i. Does the notion of (non-)restrictivity apply to modifiers in<br>
indefinites in the same way as in definites? Why is it often difficult<br>
to decide whether the modifier of an indefinite is restrictive or not?<br>
ii. What difficulties arise when (non-)restrictivity applies in the<br>
non-nominal domain, as with adverbials that modify events or states?<br>
What is common and different between (non-)restrictive modifiers in<br>
the verbal and the nominal domain?<br>
iii. Restricting the denotation of a noun intuitively only makes sense<br>
if its extension comprises more than one individual. Therefore,<br>
restriction creates a set of alternatives. Is there an intrinsic<br>
connection between restrictivity and focus?<br>
iv. (Non-)restrictivity is often correlated with structural<br>
(syntactic) differences. Is this generally the case or is it possible<br>
that sometimes restrictive and non-restrictive phrases share the same<br>
v. What does information structure theory tell us about the prosody of<br>
(non-)restrictive phrases?<br>
vi. What are the connections and the differences between the<br>
restrictivity of (in-)definite expressions and the restrictivity of<br>
other quantifiers?<br>
vii. It has been proposed that evaluative modifiers are less easily<br>
used as restrictive modifiers than non-evaluative ones. Do modifiers<br>
more generally display a lexical bias for either a restrictive or a<br>
non-restrictive reading, and if yes, what are the properties<br>
responsible for those kinds of bias?<br>
Call for Papers:<br>
We invite anonymous submissions for 30-minute presentations. Abstracts<br>
should be 1-2 pages in length, with a font size not smaller than 12pt<br>
and margins of at least 2.5cm. Details for submission via easychair<br>
will be given on the workshop webpage.<br>
Important Dates:<br>
Submission deadline: 6 January 2012<br>
Notification: 27 January 2012<br>
Workshop: 19-20 March 2012<br>
For more information, contact: <a href="mailto:restrictivity%40ims.uni-stuttgart.de">restrictivity@ims.uni-stuttgart.de</a><br>
Workshop organized by Fabienne Martin (Institut für<br>
Linguistik/Romanistik, SFB Project B5, "Polysemy in a Conceptual<br>
System") and Arndt Riester (Institut für Maschinelle<br>
Sprachverarbeitung, SFB Project A1, "Incremental Specification of<br>
Focus and Givenness in a Discourse Context")<br>
Hosted by the SFB 732 "Incremental Specification in Context" at the<br>
University of Stuttgart.<br>
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