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Haike Jacobs me demande de diffuser l'info infra <br>
concernant l'appel à candidatures pour 3 bourses <br>
doctorales à Nimègue (Pays-Bas).<br>
Tobias Scheer<br>
>Three PhD Students for Foreign Speech Comprehension (1,0 fte)<br>
>Faculty of Arts<br>
>Maximum salary: 2,612 gross/month<br>
>Vacancy number: 23.09.12<br>
>Closing date: 15 April 2012<br>
>As a PhD student you will participate in one of two research projects on<br>
>how non-native listeners learn and process reduced pronunciation variants<br>
>that are highly frequent in spontaneous speech (e.g. English mis instead<br>
>of mist). One project is funded by a Starting Grant from the European<br>
>Research Council, other by a VICI Grant from the Netherlands Organization<br>
>for Scientific Research. Both projects are directed by Professor Mirjam<br>
>Ernestus. You will write at least three papers on the basis of this<br>
>research for high-impact international journals.<br>
>General descriptions of the project:<br>
>The ERC and VICI projects investigate in detail how adult learners of a<br>
>foreign language develop and use lexical representations for reduced<br>
>pronunciation variants and how their listening skills can be improved. The<br>
>projects aim at providing a first theory of how listeners learn to<br>
>understand words in conversational speech in a foreign language.<br>
>PhD project E1 will investigate the nature of lexical representations that<br>
>advanced late learners have developed for reduced variants in their<br>
>foreign language, how they use these representations, and how this can be<br>
>improved. It will study how native speakers of Dutch process vowel<br>
>devoicing and categorical deletion of schwa in French.<br>
>PhD project E2 will investigate advanced late learners' sensitivities to<br>
>subtle details of speech signals which act as cues to reduced sounds and<br>
>how their comprehension of words can be improved with these subtle cues.<br>
>It will study how native speakers of Spanish process gradient reduction of<br>
>schwa and of word-final consonant clusters in English.<br>
>PhD project V1 will investigate how starting learners store phonetic<br>
>details of reduced pronunciation variants in their lexical<br>
>representations, how these representations develop over time, and the role<br>
>of the native language therein. It will study how Dutch and Spanish young<br>
>adults learn pronunciation variants with reduced vowels in English and<br>
>Work environment<br>
>Radboud University Nijmegen is strategically located in Europe and is one<br>
>of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Established in<br>
>1923 and situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands, it has nine<br>
>faculties and enrolls over 17,500 students in 107 study programmes.<br>
>The Faculty of Arts consists of ten departments in the areas of language<br>
>and culture, history of arts, linguistics and business communication,<br>
>which together cater for about 2,700 students and collaborate closely in<br>
>teaching and research. Research at the Faculty of Arts is embedded in two<br>
>research institutes: the institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural<br>
>Studies (HCLS) and the Centre for Language Studies (CLS).<br>
>Your research will be embedded in the Centre for Language Studies at the<br>
>Faculty of Arts. Research at the CLS is centred around two themes. The<br>
>current project is in line with the theme 'Language in Mind'.<br>
>What we expect from you<br>
>- you should have, or shortly expect to obtain an MSc degree in an area<br>
>related to speech processing: such as psychology, cognitive neurosciences,<br>
>phonetics, or linguistics;<br>
>- you should have an excellent written and spoken command of English and<br>
>demonstrable knowledge of data analysis;<br>
>- you should be able to quickly learn new research methods and data<br>
>analysis methods.<br>
>What we have to offer<br>
>We offer you:<br>
>- employment: 1,0 fte;<br>
>- a maximum gross monthly salary of 2,612 based on a 38-hour working<br>
>- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3%<br>
>end-of-year bonus;<br>
>- the gross starting salary is 2,042 per month based on full-time<br>
>- you will be offered an initial contract for 18 months. Your performance<br>
>will be evaluated after 18 months and if the evaluation is positive, the<br>
>contract will be extended by 24 months;<br>
>- you will be classified as a PhD student (promovendus) in the Dutch<br>
>university job-ranking system (UFO);<br>
>- available as of 1 September 2012.<br>
>Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions?<br>
>Would you like to know more?<br>
>Further information on: Centre for Language Studies<br>
>Prof. Dr. Mirjam Ernestus<br>
>Telephone: +31 24 3612970<br>
>E-mail: <mailto:<a href="mailto:m.ernestus%40let.ru.nl">m.ernestus@let.ru.nl</a>><a href="mailto:m.ernestus%40let.ru.nl">m.ernestus@let.ru.nl</a><br>
>Are you interested?<br>
>It is Radboud University Nijmegen's policy to only accept applications by<br>
>e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 23.09.12, to<br>
><mailto:<a href="mailto:vacatures%40let.ru.nl">vacatures@let.ru.nl</a>><a href="mailto:vacatures%40let.ru.nl">vacatures@let.ru.nl</a>, <br>
>for the attention of drs. L.J.P.M. van Mosseveld,<br>
>before 15 April 2012.<br>
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