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<p><div style="color:#000;background-color:#fff;font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt;"><div>IMPORTANT:<br><br>- THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN SLIGHTLY MODIFIED!<br><br>- CONFERENCE RECEPTION: Thursday, December 20<br><br>- BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND READING MATERIAL AVAILABLE ON THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE<br><br>- REGISTRATION REQUIRED (SEE WEBSITE)<br><br>--------<br><br>It is our pleasure to announce the colloquium “Mass/Count in Linguistics,<br>Philosophy and Cognitive Scienceâ€.<br><br>December 20-21, 2012<br>ENS-Paris<br>45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris<br><br>With the support of the Paris Diderot University, IHPST, IEC (Linguistics<br>Department) and the ANR-DFG NOMINAL project.<br><br>Organizers: Alexandra Arapinis (IHPST), Friederike Moltmann (IHPST), Lucia<br>Tovena (Paris Diderot University)<br><br>The colloquium will be preceded by a one-day tutorial on the mass/count<br>distinction given by Friederike Moltmann (IHPST) and
David Nicholas (IJN).<br><br>Registration is required. It is done in two steps: (i) pre-registration on the<br>conference website, (ii) final registration and payment on-site.<br>To pre-register, create an account on the conference website, log in, and fill<br>in the registration form.<br><br>Reduced registration fee may be envisaged upon personal request to the<br>organizers.<br><br>Registration fees and other practical information are available on the<br>conference website:<br>http://mass-count.sciencesconf.org/<br><br>Program<br><br>Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS)<br>45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris<br><br>Wednesday, December 19<br>Tutorial on the mass/count distinction:<br>11.00 - 13.00 David Nicolas (IJN)<br>14.30 - 17.30 Friederike Moltmann (IHPST)<br><br>Thursday, December 20<br>(Room Dussane)<br><br>09.00 Registration<br>09.25 Opening<br>09.30 - 10.20 Invited speaker Byeong-uk Yi (Toronto
University)<br>Numeral classifiers and the mass/count distinction<br>10.20 - 11.00 Scott Grimm (Stanford University), Beth Levin (Stanford<br>University)<br>Who Has More Furniture? An Exploration of the Bases for Comparison<br><br>Coffee break<br><br>11.20 - 12.00 Peter Smith (University of Connecticut)<br>Count-mass nouns may not be mass after all<br>12.00 - 12.40 XuPing LI (CRLAO – CNRS/EHESS/INALCO)<br>Water and boy in Mandarin: an ontological distinction only<br><br>Lunch break<br><br>14.00 - 14.50 Invited speaker Almerindo Ojeda (UCDavis)<br>Countability and Grammatical Number: An Aristotelian View and Its Challenges<br>14.50 - 15.30 Roberto Zamparelli (University of Trento)<br>Countability, number and (in)definiteness in Chinese nominals<br>15.30 - 16.10 Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University), Roberta Pires de Oliveira<br>(UFSC)<br>Bare Noun Phrases and Comparatives: a
cross-linguistic perspective ?<br><br>Coffee break<br><br>16.30 - 17.10 Ana Muller (Universidade de São Paulo)<br>Individuation in a Bare-Nouns-Only Language<br>17.10 - 17.50 Yan LI (Université Paris Diderot)<br>L'interprétation de la sémantique de 'nom propre-men' en chinois<br>17.50 - 18.10 Catherine Mazodier (Université Paris Diderot)<br>« How Much Sideboob Is Too Much Sideboob? » Fonctionnement du nom,<br>quantification et/ou qualification : une analyse énonciative des emplois en<br>contexte du néologisme « sideboob »<br><br>18.30 - 20.30 Buffet: Wine and Cheese Reception (organised at the ENS)<br><br><br>Friday, December 21<br>(room Dussane)<br><br>09.10 - 10.00 Invited speaker David Barner (UCSD)<br>Experimental evidence for the compositionality of sortal concepts<br>10.00 - 10.40<br><br>Coffee break<br><br>11.00 - 11.40 Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan University), Alessandro
Treves<br>(SISSA),<br>Ritwik Kulkarni (SISSA)<br>A statistical investigation into the crosslinguistic distribution of mass and<br>count nouns: 'morphosyntactic and semantic perspectives.'<br>11.40 - 12.20 Alan Bale (Concordia University), Brendan Gillon (McGill<br>University)<br>Re-examining the Mass-Count Distinction<br>12.20 - 13.00 Suzi Lima (University of Massachusetts Amherst)<br>The count/mass distinction in Yudja (Tupi): quantity judgment studies<br><br>Lunch break<br><br>14.20 - 15.10 Invited speaker Dana Cohen et Anne Zribi-Hertz (SFL/Paris8)<br>"Mass" vs. "Count" : on the distribution of labour between syntax and the<br>lexicon<br>15.10 - 15.50 Stefan Hinterwimmer (University of Osnabrueck)<br>A Comparison of Abstract and Concrete Mass Nouns in Terms of Their Interaction<br>with Vague Quantificational Determiners<br><br>Coffee break<br><br>16.10 - 17.00 Invited speaker Henry Laycock
(Queen's University)<br>WORDS AND CONCEPTS: the 'object' concept and the 'matter' concept</div></div></p>
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