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<p><div dir="ltr">Alexandra Cornilescu, Professeur à l'Université de Bucarest<div><span><font color="#000000"><br>invitée de l'UFR de linguistique de Paris Diderot donnera 4 seminaires sur <br>
<br>'From Theta-Structure to Argument Licensing'<br><br></font></span></div><div><span><font color="#000000"><b>6 mai 14h-16, salle 137 Olympe de Gouges</b>, </font></span><span><font color="#000000">8 rue Einstein<br>
</font></span><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">1. <b>A rich lexicon and how to use it</b>, <b>the projectionist view</b></span><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"><span><br>
<br> </span>Defining argument structure The projectionist
view Theta -Theory: a rich lexicon + principles of projection (linking).
Lexical representation. UTAH and the difficulties of maintaining it when
confronted with alternations. Thematic Hierarchies and their problems; two tentative
solutions: fewer roles (proto roles, Dowty); more fine-grained roles (Pesetsky).
Decomposing theta roles: theta features and generalizations they can be used to
express. How to deal with alternations: a) more fine grained roles; b) -arity
operations <br><i>Bibliography</i>: Grimshaw
1990, <i>Argument Structure</i>, Reinhart,
2000, <i>The Theta system: the syntactic
realization of verbal concepts</i>, Pesetsky,1984, <i>Experiencers and cascades</i> , Dowty 1990, “Thematic proto-roles and
argument selection”, Rappaport &Hovav 2005, <i>Argument realization</i></span><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"></span><span><font color="#000000"><br>
</font></span><br><span><font color="#000000"><b>13 mai 14h-16, salle 137 Olympe de Gouges<br></b></font></span>
<p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">2</span></b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">. <b>The constructivist view</b> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">Verb meaning is relational and hierarchical (Larson, Hale
& Keyser) Roles are interpretations of particular syntactic configurations;
there are so few theta roles, because there are no theta- roles. Larson’s shells
–investigating the internal structure of the VP. Result: a syntactic lexicon
for verbs and other lexical categories, syntactic constraints on possible verb
meanings. When l-syntax turns into s-syntax (e.g. Harley(2009) : lexical
decomposition down to acategorial roots: a sometimes problematic enterprise.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">Bibliography,
Larson, 1988, “On the double object construction”. Hale& Keyser, 2002, <i>Prolegomena to a theory of argument
structure</i>, Harley, 2009, “Lexical decomposition in modern syntactic
theory”, Borer, 2011, “In the event of a nominal”</span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br><span><font color="#000000"><b>15 mai 14h-16, salle 533 Olympe de Gouges (attention au changement de salle)<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">3</span></b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">. <b>Event licensing of arguments</b></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US"><span> </span></span></b><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">Two conceptualizations of events: a)<b> </b>briefly on the localist approach (Gruber, Jackendoff); b) the
aspectual approach: reviewing Borer (2005):<b>
</b>a prevailing neo-Davidsonian Semantics coupled with a syntactic view of
a-structure, with a minimal lexicon<b> </b>The
fundamental premise: argument structure is licensed by <i>functional syntactic structure</i>, functional structure which is
interpreted as <i>event structure</i>. This
syntactic structure where the lexical verb is embedded affects aspects of its basic
meaning. To the extent that argument structure is altogether severed from the
properties of the lexical head, the expectation is to get massive polysemy.
Claim: the best characterization of the verb’s variable behavior is through the
projection of functional structure, interpreted as event structure. Aspectual
roles and aspectual properties of the event may be derived from the functional
structure of the clause, not the other way round. An example: deriving Dowty’s
correlations: Agentive, Atelic: definitely unergative // Non-agentive telic:
definitely unaccusative. Properties of unergatives and unaccusatives which do
not follow from aspect and cannot be predicated from a semantic standpoint. <br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br><span><font color="#000000"><b>20 mai 14h-16, salle 137 Olympe de Gouges</b></font></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">4. <b>Argument structure,
syntactic functions and case-licensing </b></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">From this perspective there are two problems which are of
interest: a) which generalization regarding syntactic functions are correlated
with the semantics (i.e. the theta-role, event semantics) of the DP; e.g. the
correlation Agent/Subject; b) the Visibility Condition: are there any reliable
correlations between morphologic cases and theta-roles? Regarding the first
problem, one tendency in current work is to identify functional heads which are
responsible for introducing syntactic functions into the clausal
representation, thus relating a-structure and syntactic functions. For
instance, the subject is introduced by its own Voice head (since Kratzer 1996),
the direct object is licensed in an Aspect head (Borer 2005), the indirect
object is introduced by an Applicative head. These derivational steps should be
coupled with a neo-Davidsonian compositional semantics of event structure. Regarding
the second problem, the correlation between morphologic case and theta roles
has been proved to be unreliable. DPs are case-licensed regarding their
abstract case relational feature; morphologic case can only be determined at
the end of the derivation, through syntactic information sent at PF. <br></span></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family:"Times New Roman";" lang="EN-US">Bibliography Kratzer, 1996, “Severing the external argument from its verb”,
Borer 2005, The normal course of events”, Pylkkanen, 2008, <i>Introducing arguments</i>, Bowers, 2010, <i>Arguments as relations</i>, Sigurðsson, 2012, “Minimalist C/case”)</span></p>
</div><div><span><font color="#000000"><br> Olympe de Gouges, 8 rue Einstein, 75013</font></span></div><div><a href="mailto:carmen.sorin@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr" target="_blank">carmen.sorin@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr</a></div>
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