Exporting syllabification

Greg Hedlund greg.hedlund at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 13:45:25 UTC 2019

Hey Philip,

On 07/30/19 20:40, Philip Combiths wrote:
> This is right along the lines of what I was thinking of, thank you 
> very much Greg.
> My follow-up question (and I might be pushing my luck here) is this: 
> Is Phon capable of importing syllabification (in the IPA Target/Actual 
> Syllabified format or some other format) alongside orthography and 
> transcription tiers from a CSV file?

Yes - if you use the new 'Syllabified' columns in your CSV import 
instead of the plain IPA columns the syllabification information will 
also be imported.



> Thank you,
> Philip
> On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 3:57:43 PM UTC-7, ghedlund wrote:
>     Hello Phillip,
>     Not sure if this what you need but you can export a copy of the
>     IPA tiers which include constituent type tags using:
>     Tier: IPA Target Syllabified
>     or
>     Tier: IPA Actual Syllabified
>     as a CSV export column.
>     E.g.,
>     Speaker:Name 	Orthography 	IPA Target 	IPA Actual 	Segment 	Notes
>     IPA Target Syllabified
>     Christine 	[what do you sing] [at birthday parties? .] 	[ˈwʌ̃t *
>     ˈjuː ˈsɪŋ] [ˈæt ˈbʌɹθˌdeɪ ˈpɑ͡u⁴ɹtiːz] 	[* * * *] [* * *]
>     000:00.508-000:03.320 	
>     	[ˈw:Oʌ̃:Nt:C *:U ˈj:Ouː:D ˈs:Oɪ:Nŋ:C] [ˈæ:Nt:C
>     ˈb:Oʌ:Nɹ:Cθ:Cˌd:Oe:Dɪ:D ˈp:Oɑ͡u⁴:Nɹ:Ct:Oiː:Nz:C]
>     Cheers,
>     -Greg
>>     On Jul 30, 2019, at 2:33 PM, Philip Combiths <philco... at gmail.com
>>     <javascript:>> wrote:
>>     No apologies needed! Phon does so much already :) And I think I
>>     can get what we need using the workaround you suggested.
>>     Thank you,
>>     Phil
>>     On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 9:55:22 AM UTC-7, Yvan Rose wrote:
>>         Hi Phil,
>>         I don't think this is possible, very sorry. We are currently
>>         exporting this information using mini graphs representing
>>         syllabification and alignment in Excel format, something
>>         incompatible with the CSV format.
>>         However, if you do a Phones query and export your results
>>         using the Listing by Session using the option represented in
>>         the attached screen shot, you will have a textual
>>         representation of syllabification and alignment within your
>>         report, something maybe you can work with?
>>         Please let me know if (some of) this helps!
>>         Yvan
>>>         On Jul 30, 2019, at 1:35 PM, Philip Combiths
>>>         <philco... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>         Hello, I am interested in including the Target Syllable and
>>>         Actual Syllable tiers when exporting a session as CSV. I am
>>>         able to export the alignment by adding "Tier:Alignment" to
>>>         the list of export columns, but I haven't found how to call
>>>         upon and export the syllable tiers. Is this possible?
>>>         Thank you very much,
>>>         -Philip
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