Shoebox to Kirrrkirr

Baden Hughes badenh at CS.MU.OZ.AU
Tue Mar 1 02:56:23 UTC 2005

Hi Albert

>  I am doing the test run with Warnman. I have got the Shoebox database material into
simple text and then onto XML. I have set up the dictionary properties file. I used the
Warlpiri specs file as a basis for the Warnman one, and the Warlpiri xsl file as a basis
for the Warnman one.

>  Because the Shoebox exports uses different headings such as <database> instead of
<DICTIONARY>, <lxGroup> instead of <ENTRY> and <lx> instead of <HW>, I thought I could
just substitute these in the Warlpiri example. That is, instead of
on. I did this for both the specs and the xsl files. Still, I couldn't get
it to run.

I suspect one of the problems is that the DTD or schema which is used to
validate the XML as a precursor to Xpath and XSL processing isn't aware of
the changes you made to the headings, and as such, validation and hence
importing will fail. Is there a *.dtd or *.xsd file around on your system
? If there is, then you might check that for the same heading
substitutions you speak of earlier, and see if that progresses things.



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