Transcriva 1.0 quick evaluation

Linda Barwick Linda.Barwick at ARTS.USYD.EDU.AU
Wed Oct 26 00:33:45 UTC 2005

Hi all
A friend drew my attention to Transcriva, recently released Mac OSX  
audio transcription software from Bartas Technologies. Apple is  
plugging it on their website so people may ask you about it.
You can download and try it free with some restrictions. It's  
shareware and costs $US19.99.

My summary evaluation: not much use for serious research purposes.

Pros: Easy to download and install
Seems stable on OSX10.4.2
Clear intuitive interface (as far as it goes)
Playback speed control within main interface

No waveform view
Alignment only in 1 second increments
Playback stutters between segments
Exports  only to RTF (sample below)


{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset77  
HelveticaNeue-Bold;\f2\fnil\fcharset77 HelveticaNeue-Italic;
\f3\fnil\fcharset77 HelveticaNeue;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 ***This transcript was produced with an unregistered  
copy of Transcriva by Bartas Technologies. Registering will remove  
this watermark.***\

\f1\b\fs28 \cf0 Transcript of "Marett88-27B-s04 thanpa 10.wav"\
\cf2 men\

\f2\i\b0\fs20 \cf0 0:00:26\

\f3\i0\fs24 la ngadhe ngadhe la ngarra ngarra ***Unregistered!***\

\f1\b\fs28 \cf3 women\

\f2\i\b0\fs20 \cf0 0:00:27\

\f3\i0\fs24 la ngadhe ngadhe la ngarra ngarra ***Unregistered!***\

Dr Linda Barwick
Senior Research Fellow
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Office: room 235 Transient Building F12
University of Sydney NSW 2006
tel +61 2 9351 2002
fax +61 2 9351 7572
lbarwick at

Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures
Sydney Unit, room 238
Transient Building F12
University of Sydney NSW 2006
tel +61 2 9036 9557
fax +61 2 9351 7572

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