Non-roman scripts and Transcriber

Matthew Toulmin matthew.toulmin at ANU.EDU.AU
Tue Sep 27 06:09:54 UTC 2005

Dear list,

To date I have received no suggestions re. the problem of non-Roman scripts (even IPA) in Transcriber, though I have received requests for a summary.

It seems that noone on this list has a solution to this problem. Is Transcriber only meant for transcribing Roman then?

Can anyone suggest a transcribing program that does not have this limitation? 


Matthew Toulmin

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew Toulmin 
  To: RNLD 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 12:58 PM
  Subject: Non-roman scripts and Transcriber

  Dear list,

  I use Keyman keyboards and Windows XP to enter data using phonetic and Indic scripts into Word, Toolbox (Unicode-compliant Shoebox), etc..

  However I cannot work out how to make these same input methods work in Transcriber. I change the font, set it to UTF-8, turn on the language in XP, which triggers the Keyboard, but Transcriber still only writes Roman. I'm getting a bit sick of this clumsy way of transcribing my data (Roman only) and figure that I must be missing something.

  It seems from archived Transcriber-related posts on this and the Transc-list that other people are using phonetic and even Arabic scripts in Transcriber, so what am I doing wrong? (I am using the latest Transcriber version). 

  Can someone please enlighten me?


  Matthew Toulmin

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