ELAN 3.0 available

Han Sloetjes (by way of Nicholas Thieberger) han.sloetjes at MPI.NL
Wed Feb 7 17:44:07 UTC 2007

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the release of ELAN 3.0.

This is the first release distributed from the new ELAN webpage.
ELAN is one of the MPI tools that have been brought together on a new 
site, the Language Archiving Technology (LAT) website 
(http://www.lat-mpi.eu/). For these tools new, related logo's have 
been designed, so from now on ELAN will have a new, LAT-family logo.
On the new ELAN page (http://www.lat-mpi.eu/tools/elan/) links to the 
regular download and release-notes pages can be found. In addition to 
this an ELAN user forum has been set up there. This willl be the new 
place for user to post messages and start discussions. The messages 
will be archived and searchable, so although the mailing list will 
continue to exist for the time being, everyone is encouraged to use 
the forum instead. It is possible to 'subscribe' through RSS feeds.
The old ELAN page will redirect users to the new page.

Apart from that ELAN now has a new menubar layout and a changed close 
/ exit behavior. The file format it writes has been extended a bit 
and we are gradually moving towards the use of Java 1.5. Only the Mac 
OS 10.3.x version still uses Java 1.4.

For a detailed description of the new 'Annotator' attribute, copy and 
paste annotation actions, new single and multiple file search 
options, new and improved import and export choices and other changes 
and fixes we like to refer to the release-notes page, at 

We expect to have the updated manual ready somewhere next week.

Best regards,

Han Sloetjes

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