Call for proposals for units and workshops, LingFest 2008

Jane Simpson jhs at MAIL.USYD.EDU.AU
Sun Feb 18 05:09:57 UTC 2007

LINGFEST 2008 at Sydney Uni - call for course and workshop proposals

The Australian Linguistics Institute will be held July 7-11, 2008 in
conjunction with meetings of ALAA, ALS, LFG, & ISCF

The Organising Committee is now soliciting proposals for courses and
workshops.  We are particularly interested in courses that will appeal to
a wide audience.

Course format: 1.5 hr. per day, meeting each day July 7-11.
Workshops: negotiable between 30 June and 13 July


Last year's ALI finished in a debit situation. Because of a very tight
financial situation next year, we are unable to guarantee a level of
remuneration for presenters.  We will certainly provide a waiver of
registration fees to ALI.  If the funding situation permits, partial or
full reimbursement will be offered for local accommodation and travel
from within Australia.  We will also hep seek sponsorship for courses.


Proposals should be a single double-spaced page, max 250 words, in the
following format:

1. Course Title,
2. Presenter's name and affiliation,
3. Brief course description, including course aims and a list of topics
4. Expected audience (e.g. postgraduates, advanced undergraduates, no
specialized background, ...),
5. A short list of readings.

Please send your proposal as an MS-word or PDF email attachment to Ian
Smith <iansmith at>

Deadline Mar. 19, 2007.

on behalf of the ALI Organizing Committee

  Ian Smith
  Department of Linguistics
  Transient Building F12, Room 228
  University of Sydney NSW 2006
  phone    61+(0)2-9351-3479
  fax    61+(0)2-9351-7572

Please send proposals to

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