petition to end NT intervention

RNLD Admin contact.rnld at
Tue Mar 29 02:29:28 UTC 2011

Dear RNLDers,

Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, will
visit Australia in May. A
petition<>has been
created which requests Ms Pillay to encourage the Australian
Government to end the Northern Territory Intervention and protect and
restore the rights of Northern Territory Aboriginal people.

The preamble notes that "The Northern Territory Intervention imposed in June
2007, without consultation or the consent of Aboriginal people, continues to
be a source of grave injustice. It has overridden the rights of the people,
placed their culture and languages in jeopardy while removing their control
over their land and communities."

You may like to read the petition and consider signing it.

kind regards,

Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity

Margaret Florey
Nick Thieberger

Email: contact.rnld at
Ph: +61 (0)4 3186-3727 (mob.)
skype: margaret_florey
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