Fwd: Release of ELAN 4.2.0

Nick Thieberger thien at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Feb 3 23:59:47 UTC 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Han Sloetjes
Date: Saturday, 4 February 2012
Subject: Release of ELAN 4.2.0
To: ELAN Discussion Group <elan at mpi.nl>

Dear all,

This is to announce the release of ELAN 4.2.0, again a version with some
new features and bug fixes.
Some of the new features are:

- the Annotations from subtraction function, to complement the Annotations
from overlaps and Annotations by merging functions
- create multiple transcription files for media files in a selected folder
- export annotation overlap information for multiple files to tab-delimited
text (experimental)
- the File dialogs on Mac are now the native Mac OS dialog, with a sidebar,
search field and recent places. The Windows look-and-feel provides provides
similar convenient extras
- the extended tier selection tab pane, allowing to select tiers by name,
by type, participant or by annotator, is now applied in more places e.g. in
most export functions
- in single file search queries can now be executed in a custom set of
tiers. The result table now contains columns for the parent and for child
annotations of each hit - a few import and export functions have been
extended with new options
Some of the bug fixes are:

- Add Participant now maintains the tier hierarchy
- a few problems that would freeze the Transcription mode are solved
- several problems related to storing/restoring preferences were fixed
(visibility and order of tiers, lost shortcut keys)
- play selection in loop mode is improved
- improved display of values in the Metadata viewer

A more detailed list can be found at:

The new release can be downloaded at:

This is the first version of ELAN requiring Java 1.6.

Best regards,

Han Sloetjes
-MPI for Psycholinguistics-
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