[RNLD] Physical avoidance

Joe Blythe blythe.joe at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 08:40:55 EDT 2016

Dear all,
A colleague in Germany was asking me for references on physical avoidance in Aboriginal Australia and it struck me most of my references relate mostly to avoidance of names and/or it effects on grammar. So I’m wondering if anyone has some useful references on physical avoidance.

Dr Joe Blythe
Department of Linguistics
Macquarie University
Room 566, Building C5A
Balaclava Rd, North Ryde
NSW 2109, Australia
Ph: +61-2-9850-8089  |   Mob: +61-409-88-1153
E: joe.blythe at mq.edu.au <mailto:joe.blythe at mq.edu.au>  |  Web <http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/faculties_and_departments/faculty_of_human_sciences/linguistics/linguistics_staff/dr_joe_blythe/>
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