[RNLD] UQ Summer Research Program

Felicity Meakins f.meakins at uq.edu.au
Tue Jul 31 00:11:58 UTC 2018

Are you an advanced Linguistics student at the University of Queensland with an interest in fieldwork, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and corpus development? Are you interested in developing your linguistics skills with some hands-on research experience? Join us for 8 weeks over Summer as a UQ Summer Scholar.

Duration:             8 weeks (19 November – 14 December 2018; 2-25 January 2019)
Hours:                   36 hours per week
Pay:                        $300/wk
Bonus:                  Summer Research scholars will also be funded (flights, accommodation) to attend the CoEDL Summer School                                                 which is being held at the Australian National University (Canberra) from 26-30 November 2018.
Enquiries:            Felicity Meakins (f.meakins at uq.edu.au)<mailto:f.meakins at uq.edu.au)>
Application:        https://languages-cultures.uq.edu.au/summer-research-program-2018-projects#5

Applications close on 31 August 2018.

Building a Gurindji corpus

This project will form a part of the Centre of Excellence in the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) evolution program which is developing biological methods for modelling language change. The language data will come from a Peruvian language Shawi. Summer Research scholars will be a part of a team trained in database development. They will search Shawi transcripts for linguistic features and code these features speaker by speaker. Summer Research scholars will work with other scholars building a Gurindji corpus.

Biological methods for modelling language change
This project will form a part of the Centre of Excellence in the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) building a corpus of Gurindji recordings for the language community and linguistic research. Gurindji is spoken in the Northern Territory (Australia). Summer Research scholars will be a part of a team trained in corpus development. They will key in transcribed recordings of Gurindji and sound-link the corpus. Summer Research scholars will work with other scholars building a Peruvian database for population genetics research.

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