Hi all,<br><br>Just a reminder to those in Melbourne that the 2012 RNLD AGM will be held tomorrow afternoon.<br>Details as follows.<br><p><strong>Date</strong> Friday 14th September</p>
<p><strong>Time</strong> 4:00 pm</p>
<p class="rteindent1"><strong>Venue</strong> Corporate and Executive board room<br>
Level 1, Exchange Tower building<br>
530 Little Collins Street<br>
Melbourne 3000</p>The agenda can be downloaded from our website here: <a href="http://www.rnld.org/2012AGM">http://www.rnld.org/2012AGM</a><br><br>We would love to see you there.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Felicity<br><br>
-- <br>Felicity Houwen<br>Administrative Officer<br>Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity<br><br>ph: <a value="+61396624027">+61 03 9041-5474</a> (office)<br>skype: RNLDorg<br>Suite 1107<br>530 Little Collins St<br>Melbourne, VIC 3000<br>