[SEALANG] Tai-Viet linguistics question CONTINUED

Chung-pui Tai chungpui at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 20 11:12:48 UTC 2008

Dear List,

The following is a reply from a friend of mine, who is a native of Debao
county, Guangxi, China. Sorry that he can only write Chinese but not


***My main question, however is this: does it make any linguistic sense that
ke could be a Vietnamese adoption/pronunciation of a Zhuang/Tai term k/koo?
Is it logical for those vowels to change in that manner as the term moves
from one language to another?



And yet one other minor question: some Zhuang place names (and old place
names in Vietnam) begin with the word duo 多 [ta in old Chn, da in Viet.].
According to the Zhuang place name study, this refers to "land." The SEAlang
dictionary has the following entry which seems the closest in sound:
(WEBRANK:3) tra 1 N a piece (used in reference to land), portion; plot

However, Li Fang-kuei said that "Siamese also shows tr-, but it exists
chiefly in Cambodian and Sanskrit loans."

Question: What Tai word for "land" could duo 多 [ta in old Chn, da in Viet.]
be an attempted transcription of?


但这个"多"字所记录的这些地名,除了有一个"多吉"的"多"字记录的是德靖土语的toi 3 (下面)之外,一个"多感"的"多"记录的是德靖土语的 ta 6
(河流)之外, 其他的16个"多"全部记录的是德靖土语的 tei 6(地方,land)。但这个"多"的发音不是 ta/tra,其实是来自汉语借词"地方"
的"地",声母韵母和粤语发音都一致,就是tei 6,第六调,德保话调值是33,靖西话调值是324。所以这个问题提到的以汉字"多"的古音ta
之类去推测已经变成了没有任何意义了,实际上大都是 tei 6 而已。如果越南的"多"字开头的地名实际发音是 ta/da
之类,我想也就失去了比较的意义,因为tei是不太可能变成ta/da的。另外,泰语的tra我想李方桂说得没错,应该是来自梵语的借词,而对应壮语tei 6
的泰语,实际上是 thi ,泰语的"哪里" 的 thi nai 的"thi",实际上就是壮语的 tei ,同样是来自古汉语的"地"。
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