[Sealang-l] U Wisc-Madison summer language program

Waruno Mahdi mahdi at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Mon Jan 2 11:18:27 UTC 2017

Just got a poster from them (seassi at seasia.wisc.edu), asking me to post it.

Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute 2017
Program Dates: June 19 to August 11

  SEASSI is an eight-week intensive language training program for 
undergraduates, graduate students and professionals. It has been held 
since 1983 and hosted by UW-Madison in 1994-1995 and then since 2000. 
Instruction is offered for academic credit in eight languages at the 
1st, 2nd, and 3rd year levels.


Each language course is equivalent to two semesters of study, with full 
academic year credit. Instruction is given in small individualized 
groups taught by a team consisting of a coordinator (usually a linguist 
specializing in Southeast Asian language pedagogy) and teachers who are 
native speakers of that language. Instruction is intensive. Classes are 
held from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Most students 
find that they spend an additional three to four hours per day on homework.

SEASSI now offers a limited number of spots for distance students to 
participate in SEASSI classes. Click here


for more details.

SEASSI is an integral part of a nationwide network of language teaching 
faculty from the institutions that are members of the SEASSI Consortium 
Cornell University, Michigan State University, Northern Illinois 
University, Ohio University, University of California-Berkeley, 
University of California-Los Angeles, University of Hawaii-Manoa, 
University of Michigan, University of Washington, and University of 
Wisconsin-Madison.. Representatives from these institutions meet 
annually to discuss SEASSI, and all major decisions regarding the 
institute must be approved by the SEASSI Board.

Application form:	http://seassi.wisc.edu/app/Onlineapp.asp

Applicants outside the US: http://seassi.wisc.edu/Admission/outside.htm

Application Checklist:	http://seassi.wisc.edu/Admission/checklist.htm

Admission costs and fees:  http://seassi.wisc.edu/Admission/costfee.htm

Financial Aid:		http://seassi.wisc.edu/Admission/finaid.htm

Financial aid application deadlines:

FLAS Fellowship: February 13th, 2017
SEASSI Scholarship: February 13th, 2017
Tuition Scholarship: April 3rd, 2017

Please direct any questions to the SEASSI Program Coordinator:

Jinda Moore
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
207 Ingraham Hall
1155 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
phone: (608) 263-1755
email: seassi at seasia.wisc.edu

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