russian brass band

Boris Rogosin rogosin at
Tue Apr 4 07:37:37 UTC 1995

        I recently attended a small Russian culture workshop
that included a fantastic concert of a traditional Russian brass
band based out of Philadelphia.  Its repertoire includes all the
pre-Revolutionary standards for military band as well as
arrangements of Russian classics.  The historical introduction is
very enjoyable and informative.  The group  collaborates with
one of the leading conductors from St. Petersburg.  When I
spoke with the musicians after the show, their leader, who is a
graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory, said that the group is
available for university and fund raising functions, educational
programs, concerts and the like.  The band can be reached at
(215) 629-5575 or AlexS15017 at
        The musicians were also interested in hearing from
anyone who knows of any Russian sheet music for brass band
available in the US.  I am in no way connected to this group,
but I can attest to the fact that they put on a very educational
and enjoyable performance.

Boris Rogosin
rogosin at

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