signature files

David J Birnbaum djbpitt+ at
Sat Apr 8 12:03:03 UTC 1995

> I'd like to add a "signature file" to the end of any messages I send ...

How signature files are handled depends on your operating system and your
mailer. You may want to ask your local system administrator or computer
lab attendant how it should be done for your particular configuration.

The norm on unix systems is to create a file called ".signature" (no
quotes, but you need the leading period) in your home directory. Your unix
mailer is probably already configured to include this file automatically
in your outgoing mail; if not, you should be able to tell it to do so.
Some mailers let you specify a signature file with a different filename.


Professor David J. Birnbaum      djbpitt+ at
The Royal York Apartments, #802
3955 Bigelow Boulevard           voice: 1-412-624-5712
Pittsburgh, PA  15213  USA       fax:   1-412-624-9714

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