Siberian BAM Railway Guidebook

brian horowitz bhorowit at
Sun Dec 17 21:21:12 UTC 1995

Dec. 17, 1995

   As a Slavist and bibliophile, I would like to give my assent to
the librarians of SEELANG who have expressed their desire to have
information about new books made available to subscribers. I think we would
do well to err on the side of more information rather than
restriction. I do not always have access to catalogues from small
presses or independent presses and I  lack information
from presses in the countries of Eastern Europe or the former
republics of the Soviet Union. It would be of great service to me to
be able to find out about new books by way of SEELANGS.
    There are limits  and we would do well to guard against the use of
our list for truly commercial purposes.  (I do not want to be
inundated with lists from Random House, for example.) But I am in
favor of letting the list serve as an information clearing house for
books in our field.
    Perhaps there could be some way of letting one know that the
message contains information about a new book even before one reads
the entry, so that individuals not interested in book "advertising"
could delete immediately.  I would suggest that all book information
be titled, "re: book info," or something like that.

   Brian Horowitz
   Dept. of Modern Langs. and Lits.
   U. of Nebraska, Lincoln

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