New Russian Language Newspaper geared for students

Tue Feb 21 02:33:17 UTC 1995

Dear SEELangers,

Apparently there is a new Russian language newspaper geared towards
students being published in the U.S.  It is a monthly paper, but is
not available on newsstands.  They have a staff of about 25 people
in Seattle, Moscow, and St. Petersburg.

The name of the newspaper is "The Key to Russia."  This quote is
from its contents page:

"It's primary purpose is to promote increased knowledge and better
understanding of Russia, the Russian people, and the Russian language
throughout the world."

Anyone wishing more information can contact:

The Key to Russia
P.O. Box 16727
Seattle, WA 98116-0727

Telephone/Fax: 206-937-5189

If you'd like subscription rate information without spending your
money on a long-distance phone call, you can write to:

goverton at

Disclaimer:  I am not associated with "The Key to Russia" in any way
and am letting you know about it just in case someone is looking for
a new teaching resource.


- Alex
.............  ..................................  ......................
Alex Rudd    ||     |    |  __| John Jay College || ahrjj at
ARS KA2ZOO   <>  ›  | ›  | ( of Criminal Justice <> --=---=---=---=---=--
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