University of Washington

Prof. Roly Sussex sussex at lingua.cltr.uq.OZ.AU
Thu Jun 29 03:28:50 UTC 1995

I'm delighted to hear the good news. This is actually more important
than just one good department saved, because it sets a precedent
which other threatened departments can refer to in time of need.
In addition, it helps to demonstrate the strength of the Slavists'
profession and their common purpose - all of which we need to
be reassured about in a climate of declining funding.

This is definitely a GOOD day.

Roly Sussex
Professor of Applied Language Studies and
Director, Centre for Language Teaching and Research
University of Queensland
Queensland 4072

email:  sussex at
phone:  +61 7 365-6896 (work)
fax:    +61 7 365-7077

                                           (Up above somewhere)

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