Things Belarusian

Clive Porter CPORTER%ESA.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Wed Mar 15 15:36:31 UTC 1995

Hell everybody, I wonder if any of you can help me with some information
which is non-language related?

I am planning to visit Minck in the coming months and would be
interested to know anything anybody can tell me about - suggested cheap
hotels; night life; good restaurants; things worth seeing; what curency
is used in Belorus and what is the exchange rate with the dollar, pound
or mark; is the major language Russian or is there a Belorusian

In short, if anybody here has any advice or helpfule information, I
would be very grateful if you could take the time to pass it on.

Ah, and one more thing... If there is a commonly spoken Belarusian
language, can anybody point me towards a good language reference book.

Thanks for any help you are able to offer.


Clive Porter

e-mail : cporter at esa.bitnet

e-mail cporter at esa.bitnet

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