"Kljuch k Rossii"

dianna l. horne dlhorne at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Fri Mar 31 02:44:33 UTC 1995

>To:seelangs at cuny.vm
>From:dlhorne at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (dianna l. horne)
>Subject:"Kljuch k Rossii"
>        In response to a recent question about the new Russian language
>newspaper for beginning/intermediate students of Russian "Kljuch k Rossii":  I
>came across a copy of the Jan./Feb. issue and was very impressed with the
>format, the layout and overall content (articles in Russian with English
>glosses about Russian history, culture, current events, etc.).  If immediate
>theft (the copy that I had made available quickly disappeared) is any
>indication of student interest, then it was a big hit!  Unfortunately, I just
>found out that the publisher has decided to discontinue the paper due to lack
>of interest and funds.  If you would like to contact the publisher (with whom
>I am in no way affiliated), who asked for any suggestions or advice on the
>concept of a Russian publication for students, the address is
>        Rodnik Publishing Company
>        P.O. Box 16727
>        Seattle, WA  98116-0727
>        I would be interested in any suggestions that you might have about
>similar supplementary materials to use in the classroom that are current,
>relevant to the "typical" undergraduate (although I'm not really sure what I
>mean by "typical"!) and appropriate to the beginning/intermediate student.
>Thank you!
>Dianna Horne
>Graduate Student, Slavic Linguistics
>The Ohio State University
>dlhorne at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu

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