Another KOI-8 font for the Mac available

ursula.doleschal ursula.doleschal at WU-WIEN.AC.AT
Thu Nov 23 15:42:23 UTC 1995

Ich waere an diesem KOI-8 Font intreressiert! Ausserdem: Haben nicht Sie
einmal etwas ueber Scanprogramme fuer Mac auf die Liste geschrieben? Haben
Sie dazu neuere Infos? Beste Gruesse, Ursula Doleschal

>I recently got my hands on a copy of Fontastic. While designing a bitmapped
>font that had stressed Russian letters on the keys that students would
>expect (option-e and the respective letter - the standard Macintosh way to
>produce stressed vowels. The layout of Latin and non-stressed Russian
>characters follows Casady & Greene, and CapsLock switches between Russian
>and English), it occurred to me to produce a KOI-8 font from the same
>typeface as well (without the stressed characters, of course).
>This KOI-8 font is aesthetically a little more pleasing than Daniel
>Chirkov's KOI-8 font. It is loosely based on a bitmapped Russian-only font
>named Kiev which I found on the net (author unknown; I have seen at least 3
>fonts called Kiev on the net; if you are the author of any of these, please
>drop me a line). I redesigned all the capital letters and some of the small
>ones of this font and designed matching characters in the Latin alphabet.
>I would like some volunteers to test this "another KOI-8" font before I
>post it to the net.
>If interested, let me know.
>Greetings, Angelika Meyer
>Angelika Meyer                 |  Dissertation:
>Slavic Dpt., Stanford U        |  "The Unknown Erenburg: The Early
>Stanford, CA 94305-2006        |  Years (Russia, France, Germany
>(415) 857-1755                 |  1908-1934)"
>ameyer at     |

Ursula Doleschal (ursula.doleschal at
Institut f. Slawische Sprachen, Wirtschaftsuniv. Wien
Augasse 9, 1090 Wien, Austria
Tel.: ++43-1-31336 4115, Fax:  ++43-1-31336 744

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