Help with Potebnia's _Iz zapisok ..._ vol. 4 (1941/1977)

Sat Nov 25 22:45:28 UTC 1995

Dear colleagues (again):

Potebnia's _Iz zapisok po russkoi grammatike_ was originally published in
four volumes, the last of which, vol. 4, came out in 1941 (Izd. AN SSSR).

The entire set was re-published starting in 1958, and vol. 4 was broken into
two parts:  tom 4, vyp. 2 (1977) _Glagol_, and tom 4, vyp. 1 (presumably
_Mestoimenie, chislitel'noe, predlog_, sometime before 1977).

Unfortunately I have the (1941) ed, but only photocopies of parts of the new
edition.  Perhaps someone with access to the new one could assist me.

What interests me is section 29 in the (1941) first ed. of tom 4, titled
"Stradatel'nyi zalog".  I would like to find out which page in the (1977)
second edition of tom 4 (vyp. 2) contains the two consecutive paragraphs
which begin with the words "Stradatel'noe prichastie ..." and "V Volynskom
akte ...".  I do have the table of contents of the (1977) tom 4, vyp. 2, and
the section "Stradatel'nyi zalog" should be section IV.2, beginning with pg.

Thanks agin, please reply to me at billings at  --Loren

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