conference at St. Petersburg University

Karen Dubrule KDubrule at CIEE.ORG
Fri Apr 12 17:41:47 UTC 1996

     The faculty of the Center for Russian Language and Culture at St.
     Petersburg University cordially invites all faculty members of Slavic
     Languages and Literatures to participate in a MAPRYAL
     (Mezhdunarodnaya Associatsiya Prepodovatelei Russkogo Yazika i
     Literatury) conference to be held at St. Petersburg University June
     3-8, 1996.  The theme of the conference is "The Russian Literary Text
     in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language". Papers are still being

     The University will provide visa invitations and can arrange for
     housing accommodations but all costs are the participant's

     For more information or to participate, please contact Dr. Marina
     Agureeva at the following numbers:

     work: (7-812)-218-9547
     home: (7-812)-587-5976

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