Slavic Philosophy in Universities...?

P. Seriot Patrick.Seriot at
Tue Dec 24 08:36:10 UTC 1996

>Pryvit -
>Does there exist any succinct resource describing what universities feature
>a program, or at least a focus, in Slavic philosophy?
>Specifics: a graduate program, preference for Philosophy department rather
>than Slavic Lit or Languages department, but the latter are also of
>Location: U.S., U.K., or West or Central Europe, with primary language of
>instruction as English.
>Thank you in advance,
>Zenon M. Feszczak
>Philosopher ex nihilo

Fribourg University (Switzerland, not Freiburg in Germany!) has an Institit
de l'Europe orientale where slavic philosophy is taught. Contact :
Prof. Edward SWIDERSKI
Edward.Swiderski at

Patrick SERIOT

  |Patrick SERIOT       |    Bureau 5092     |    courrier electronique:  |
  |Lettres/Lang. slaves |--------------------|                            |
  |BFSH2                |Tel.41 21 692 30 01 |Patrick.Seriot at |
  |CH-1015 Lausanne     |Fax.41 21 692 29 35 |                            |

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