Save Ohio Slavic Dept.

peter sekirin psekirin at
Sat Feb 3 19:26:39 UTC 1996

George Voinovich, Governor,

Copies to
Gordon Gee, OSU President
John R.Sisson, Provost
Brian Joseph, Chair
Charles Gribble, Chair


Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you in support of the Slavic Department of the Ohio
State University.  This is one of the best departments in the field of
Slavic Studies in North America, and its closing will have a negative
effect on the future of this discipline.

The recent changes in the Eastern Europe (conflict in ex-Yugoslavia,
democratic reforms in Poland, threat of communism in the ex-USSR, etc)
indicate on the importance of further studies in this field.

The intellectual potential of a nation is created in the universities,
and I hope that you will find a solution to save the Slavic Department
which contibutes greatly to the future of the intellectual community
of North America.

Thank you for your attention, patience and wisdom.


Peter Sekirin
Slavic Department
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

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