The Vocative Case in Ukrainian

Stephen Bobick bobick at
Wed Feb 14 18:46:52 UTC 1996


    I was curious about the placement of the vocative case (klichnyj vidminok).
Specifically, I have seen it in declension tables in either the fifth position
or the seventh position.

    Which is the "correct" position, or, why are there two orderings?  All the
other cases are in the same relative order with respect to one another:

    i.e.  NGDAVIL  versus NGDAILV

    Also note that the vocative-seventh ordering orders the first six cases
the same as in Russian.  Could this ordering be a soviet-era russification?

    Thank you in advance!

-- Stepan Bobyk

Ancillary info:

The following references list the klichnyi vidminok in the seventh position:

    Yar Slavutych, "Conversational Ukrainian", 3rd ed., Gateway Publishers,

    D. H. Struk, "Ukrainian For Undergraduates",  Canadian Institute of
    Ukrainian Studies Press, 1978.

    Ian Press and Stefan Pugh, "Colloquial Ukrainian, A Complete Language
    Course", Routledge, 1994.

The following references list the klichnyi vidminok in the fifth position:

    C. H. Andrusyshen, "Ukrainian-English Dictionary", University of Toronto
    Press, 1955

    J. W. Stechishin, "Ukrainian Grammar", Trident Press Ltd., 1966

    W. Niniows'kyi, "Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian Dictionary",
    2nd ed., Ukrainian Book Store, 1985.

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