Finding Jerzy Faryno

Loren A. Billings billings at
Sun Feb 18 19:49:26 UTC 1996


Just a round-about response.  One person who might know the answer is
Masha Lekic', Assoc. Prof. in the Slavic program at U. Maryland-College
Park.  I don't know her e-mail, but the address is Slavic, UMdCP, College
Park, MD 20742.  She also happens to be married to Dan Davidson, ACTR
bigwig.  I happen to remember the ACTR phone number (202)FAT-CATS (yes,
it's true; that's why I remember the number until now!).  The reason I
suggest Masha's name is she did her U.Penn dissertation on Pasternak as
well, so she'd know.  Hope this helps.  --Loren

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