SEELANGS Digest - 10 Mar 1996 to 11 Mar 1996

Bettylou Leaver Leaver at
Tue Mar 12 06:56:56 UTC 1996

Hello to those of you who asked about the Khorosho video course,

I was hoping someone else would answer, but it appears that folks just keep
asking, not answering.  Apparently, those who have seen the course are not on
this list.

Here is what I can tell you.

1.  The course was prepared by the Federal Language Training Laboratory in
Arlington, VA.  It is 20 days long (5 hours per day) and is intended as an
introduction to basic Russian.  It is on interactive videodisk.  It may be
put on CD-ROM.  There are, of course,  graphics and animation.

2.  The course has been previewed by a few universities here and there.  I
formally reviewed it for the FLTL last fall.  I do not believe it would be
ethical to reveal my evaluation of the course, since it was done for the
developer.  Others who have seen it, though, might be willing to present
their opinions publicly.

3.  The methodology used in the course is Natural Approach.  The course was
modeled after a Spanish course developed by the FLTL.

4.  The course may be for sale through Analysas, the computer firm that did
the graphics/animation -- if Analysas decides to complete the course.  It is
not yet clear whether the course will be completed in full in the near future
or in modified format or at all.

5.  The course was begun somewhere around 1989; it is nearly complete, but
there is still work to be done on it.  To my knowledge, no one within or
outside government has actually "used" the program, because it is not
finished.  It is possible that some programs have used pieces of it.

6.  I believe (but I may be wrong) that the FLTL would share a copy with
anyone wishing to see it.

Hope this helps,
Betty Lou Leaver
American Global Studies Institute

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