
Max Pyziur pyz at
Sun Mar 24 15:54:45 UTC 1996

At 08:05 AM 3/24/96 -0500, you wrote:
>With regard to Keith and Max's post (I agree with Max that I
>cannot imagine this being a long thread):
>1. English usage has varied since the 18th century. Note that
>the original English translation of Beauplan's 17th-c "Description
>d'Ukranie" was "A Description of Ukraine" (no article, 18th-c, London).

The construction which you are using is known as partatif; it implies a part
of something rather than a whole.  If it was a description of all of Ukraine
then it would be "de l'Ukranie".  Same thing if France was under
consideration -- "de France" is different from "de la France".

It's a subtle distinction about French, but one which has no ambiguities
about implication to a Francophone.

>Also, the French, obviously, lacked the article. Since
>"Little Russia" often was used in English texts after that, I wonder if
>there is consistent evidence for use of the article before this

If you are saying "in somecountry" then there is no article if the country
is feminine (still no one steps forward to cite the rule):
en France
en Ukranie

aux Etats-Unis (where aux is a+les)
au Japon (where au is a+le)

But if you are faced with the sentence
"This is somecountry."  then it is:
C'est la France.
C'est l'Ukranie.
C'est les Etats-Unis.



>now making diplomatic appeals to foreign governments and the UN to
>standardize usage. I've spoken with the Ukrainian embassy about this and
>they've been so-so helpful. I recommend going to an emigre newspaper like

I'd give Dmytro Markov (if you mean the Ukrainian Embassy in DC) a call;
he's the most studied (it seems) as far as languages are concerned.  His
English is frighteningly good to the point I'd take him for a native speaker
from the Midwest.

>The Ukrainian Weekly or Svoboda to get more info on current
>political/diplomatic moves in the linguistic arena.

I'd stay away from the Ukrainian Weekly on this; they reflect too much of
the thinking of the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian-Americans who have some sort
of neanderthal axe to grind.

>Vs'oho najkrashchoho!


>Robert De Lossa
>Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
>1583 Massachusetts Ave.
>Cambridge, MA 02138
>rdelossa at

Max Pyziur
representing myself and others like me
pyz at

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