
Max Pyziur pyz at
Thu Mar 28 00:57:59 UTC 1996

>As a longtime speaker of American English, I am certain that, to my ear
>at least, "the Ukraine" lacks any contemptuous connotations whatsoever.

So did "nigger" until relatively recently.  And what acquired awareness took
YOU to change?

And wasn't it wonderful the way LBJ would somehow obfuscate it all by using
a word pronounced "nigras"?

>The same goes for "the Bronx" as opposed to "Brooklyn," or "the
>Ivory Coast" as opposed to LUxemburg, and so on. It is annoying to
>switch to "Ukraine" just because it is annoying to change the way
>one speaks, not because of any political overtones. E. Tall

So bitch, what are you going to do?

I'm sorry, did I offend you?  Oh, but "bitch" isn't an offensive term, is it?

It is?  When did that change?

Max Pyziur
pyz at

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