more on the _the_ thing

Max Pyziur pyz at
Thu Mar 28 02:36:54 UTC 1996

>It seems to me that the language of the speaker has de facto "home court
>advantage." Are we, by which I mean speakers of English like myself, to
>scrap Moscow in favor of Moskva (I can see that discussion coming next).
>And do not Russians bastardize Paris, calling it Parizh? I take no
>umbrage at the fact that my home state of Illinois is mispronounced by

It's also mispronounced in the southern part of the state, as in Illi-noise.

>Russians, who pronounce the silent final s, nor at the fact that my home
>town, Chicago, is mispronounced through transliteration of the "ch"

And enough of those Chicagoans who go around saying "dis, dem, end dat"
mispronounce it themselves by saying "Chee KAAAAAAH go".

>rather than "sh" initial consonant. It's their language, for God's sake,
>and however they want to refer to us is peachy with me, as long as they
>keep Chicago in Illinois and don't put it somewhere in Alaska or Nevada.
>I agree with the chap from England. Don't tell me how to speak in my own
>house. It's not polite. And I still offer Ukrainia as a solution (for us
>English-speakers on whose ears "Ukraine" grates). -- gregg opelka

somewhere in Chicago where they say "Chee KAAAAAAH go"
pyz at

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