Editorial policy and Ukraine

Robert De Lossa rdelossa at HUSC.BITNET
Thu Mar 28 16:40:26 UTC 1996

1. The editorial policy of the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard
University and the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the
University of Alberta is to use "Ukraine," not "the Ukraine." Between the
two of us we publish the vast majority of academic Ukrainian studies in
North America. We respect that others may feel uncomfortable with the
switch to no article, we simply will change it to conform to our
policies, just as we change note styles, close elisions, and adjust
transliteration. We both had long discussions before removing the
article--these were internal, editorial discussions and I would hope that
our colleagues would realize that we are serious enough to have put careful
thought into the policy we adopted.
2. The Ukrainian government has asked other governments to drop the
article in English-language usage. Most have complied. This affects
government/diplomatic usage, not the individual preference and use of
respective nationals. Most journalistic media and academic publishers
have picked up on this and established style guidelines accordingly.

News you can use.

Hope the screaming doesn't scare off those of you who might be interested
in heading our way in your intellectual endeavors.

Robert De Lossa
Ukrainian Research Institute
Harvard University
1583 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
rdelossa at fas.harvard.edu

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